Effect of Nano-TiO2 and Salicylic Acid Foliar Application on some Biochemical Traits of Corn 704 Single Cross under Water Regimes
Subject Areas :
Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Faezeh Shargi
Ebrahim Khalilvand Behrouzyar
1 - Msc. Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Received: 2019-02-05
Accepted : 2019-05-15
Published : 2019-12-11
Soluble carbohydrates,
Guaiacol peroxidase,
polyphenol oxidase,
Abstract :
In order to investigate the effects of water deficit stress and nano-TiO2 and salicylic acid foliar application on some biochemical traits of corn704 single crossplant, an experiment was conducted in split plot factorial based on RCBD in three replications at the Research Station of the Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, during growing seasons of 2017-2018. Treatments were water deficit stress in three levels contained: 50, 75 and 100% filed capacity (FC) as well as thefactorial combination of nano-TiO2 (n-TiO2) foliar application in three levels contains: non application (control), 0.01 and 0.03 and salicylic acid (SA) foliar application in two levels contain: non application and 0.5%. Result showed that 0.5% SA foliar application under 50% water deficit stress had the highest peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and lowest malondialdehyde activity. Furthmore, 0.01% n-TiO2 foliar application had the highest effect on peroxidase and lowest effect on malondialdehyde activity. Use and non-use condition of SA, 0.01% n-TiO2 foliar application had the positive effect on polyphenol oxidase activity. Foliar application of 0.01% n-TiO2 and0.5% SA under water deficit stress had the highest effect on soluble carbohydrates and proline. Based on the results, the guaiacol peroxidase enzyme activity increased with increasing water deficit stress level, so that the most activity of this enzyme was observed in irrigation with 50 % filed capacity. Considering the role of the traits studied in cooperation with each other in preventing the production of active oxygen species and reducing the effects of water deficit stress, SA and n-TiO2, increasing the activity of enzyme peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, soluble carbohydrates, Proline and in contrast to the reduction of malondialdehyde reduced the negative effects of water deficit stress. Since SA and n-TiO2 had positive effects on the enzymes affecting plant physiology, the seed yield increased significantly compared to control and water deficiet conditions.
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