Effect of Urea and Nitrapyrine on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Different Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivume L.) under Different Tillage Conditions
Subject Areas :
Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Reza Nozari
Esmaeil Hadidi Masouleh
Azam Borzouei
Saeed Sayfzadeh
Ali Eskandari
1 - Ph.D. Graduated Student, Department of Agriculture, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Nuclear Agriculture Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Karaj, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran
5 - Assistant Professor, Nuclear Agriculture Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Karaj, Iran
Received: 2020-12-21
Accepted : 2021-05-26
Published : 2022-07-23
leaf area index,
Conventional tillage,
Nitrogen leaching,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate different tillage methods and urea fertilizer with nitrapyrin on total chlorophyll content, grain protein, yield and yield components of two wheat cultivars, an experiment was conducted in form of split factorial in randomized complete blocks with three replications in the Research farm Nuclear Science and Technology in 2017-2018. Experimental treatments included conventional and minimum tillage, fertilizer treatment at three levels of 0, 150 kg urea ha-1 and 150 kg urea ha-1 + nitrapyrin and wheat cultivars (Arg and Omidbakhsh). Tillage systems were effective on the studied traits and that the highest amount of chlorophyll (5.18 mg.g-1 FW) and leaf area index (3.78) were obtained in minimum and conventional tillage, respectively. The highest grain protein content (170.7%), grain yield (668.3 kg.ha-1) and harvest index (42.51%) were obtained in minimum tillage and 150 kg urea ha-1 fertilizer + nitrapyrin. Application of urea + nitrapyrin increased grain protein, 1000-grain weight and harvest index. Both Arg and Omidbakhsh cultivars obtained the highest plant height (102.16 and 104.66 cm, respectively) and leaf area index (3.88 and 3.98, respectively) in 150 kg urea ha-1 treatment. The three-way interactions of tillage, fertilizer and cultivar also had a significant effect on leaf dry weight, grain yield and biological yield. In minimal tillage, Omidbakhsh cultivar in 150 kg urea ha-1 + nitrapyrin fertilizer treatment showed better grain yield and biological yield than other treatments. According to the obtained results, in minimal plowing conditions, Omidbakhsh cultivar and application of urea + nitrapyrin is recommended.
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Keshavarz, H., S.A.M. Modarres-Sanavy, and M. Mahdipour Afra. 2018. Organic and chemical fertilizer affected yield and essential oil of two mint species. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants 21(6): 1674-1681.
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Zheng, J., Y. Qu, M.M. Kilasara, W.N. Mari, and Sh. Funakawa. 2019. Nitrate leaching from the critical root zone of maize in two tropical highlands of Tanzania: Effects of fertilizer-nitrogen rate and straw incorporation. Soil and Tillage Research. 194: 104295
Alvarez, R., and H.S. Steinbach. 2009. A review of the effects of tillage systems on some soil physical properties, water content, nitrate availability and crops yield in the Argentine Pampas. Soil and Tillage Research. 104: 1-15.
Behera, S.N., M. Sharma, V.P. Aneja, and R. Balasubramanian. 2013. Ammonia in the atmosphere: a review on emission sources, atmospheric chemistry and deposition on terrestrial bodies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 20(11): 8092-8131.
Botta, G.F.A., X. Tolon-becerra, and M. Tourn. 2010. Tillage and traffic effects (planters and tractors) on soil compaction and soybean (Glycine max) yields in Argentinean pampas. Soil and Tillage Research. 110:167-174.
Chen D.L., J.R. Freney, A.R. Mosier, and P.M. Chalk. 1994. Reducing denitrification loss with nitrification inhibitors following presowing applications of urea to a cottonfield. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 34: 75-83.
Dorota, G., C. Rafal, B. Karol, and W. Marian. 2014. Soybean yield under different tillage systems. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus. 13(1):43-54.
Drury, C.F., X. Yang, W.D. Reynolds, W. Calder, T.O. Oloya, and A.L. Woodley. 2017. Combining urease and nitrification inhibitors with incorporation reduces ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions and increases corn yields. Journal of Environmental Quality. 46: 939-949.
Keshavarz Afshar, R., R. Lin, Y. Assen Mohammed, and Ch. Chen. 2018. Agronomic effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia volatilization and nitrogen utilization in a dryland farming system: Field and laboratory investigation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 172: 4130-4139.
Li, Q., A. Yang, Z. Wang, M. Roelcke, X. Chen, F. Zhang, G. Pasda, W. Zerulla, A.H. Wissemeier, and X. Liu. 2015. Effect of a new urease inhibitor on ammonia volatilization and nitrogen utilization in wheat in north and northwest China. Field Crops Research. 175: 96-105.
Marschner, H. 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2. ed. London: Academic Press, 1995. 889 p.
Meena, S.N., and K.K. Jain. 2013. Effect of varieties and nitrogen fertilization on fodder pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) in North Western Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 58(2):262-263.
Midha L.K., S. Arya, P. Kumari, and U.N. Joshi. 2015. Performance of forage pearl millet genotypes under different nitrogen levels. Forage Research. 41(2):137-138.
Mohammed, Y.A., Ch. Chen, and T. Jensen. 2016. Urease and nitrification inhibitors impact on winter wheat fertilizer timing, yield, and protein content. Agronomy Journal. 108(2): 905-912.
Moro, E., C.A.C. Crusciol, A.S. Nascente, and H. Cantarella. 2014. Nitrification inhibition in tropical soil under no‑tillage system. Revista De Cienciasa Agrarias, Amazonian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. 57(2): 199-206.
Nascente, A.S., C.A.C. Crusciol, and T. Cobucci. 2012. Ammonium and nitrate in soil and upland rice yield as affected by cover crops and their desiccation time. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 47(12): 1699-1706.
Niu, Y., J. Luo, D. Liu, Ch. Müller, M. Zaman, S. Lindsey, and W. Ding. 2018. Effect of biochar and nitrapyrin on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from a sandy loam soil cropped to maize. Biology and Fertility of Soils: 54:645-658.
Pouri, K., A. Sio-Se Mardeh, Y. Sohrabi, and A. Soltani. 2019. Crop phenotyping for wheat yield and yield components against drought stress. Cereal Research Communications. 47(2): 383-393
Sadeghpour, A., M. Hashemi, S.A. Weis, J.T. Spargo, S. Mehrvarz, and S.J. Herbert. 2015. Assessing tillage systems for reducing ammonia volatilization from springapplied slurry manure. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 46(6): 724-735.
Safari, K., Y. Sohrabi, A. Siosemmardeh, and S. Sasani. 2021. Effect of seed priming on some morphophysiological characteristics, yield and seed protein content in three dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 15 (3): 341-361.
Salo-väänänen, P.P., and P.E. Koivistoinen. 1996. Determination of protein in foods: comparison of net protein and crude protein (N × 6.25) values. Food Chemistry. 57(1): 27-31.
Soares, J.R., H. Cantarella, and M.L. de Campos Menegale. 2014. Ammonia volatilization losses from surface-applied urea with urease and nitrification inhibitors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 52: 82-89.
Sommer, S.G., J.K. Schjoerring, and O.T. Denmead. 2004. Ammonia emission from mineral fertilizers and fertilized crops. Advance in Agronomy. 82: 557-622.
Subbarao, G.V., O. Ito, K.L. Sahrawat, W.L. Bery, K. Nakahara, T. Ishikawa, T. Watanabe, K. Suenaga, M. Rondon, and I.M. Rao. 2006. Scope and strategies for regulation of nitrification in agricultural systems-challenges and opportunities. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences: 254: 303-335.
Keshavarz, H., S.A.M. Modarres-Sanavy, and M. Mahdipour Afra. 2018. Organic and chemical fertilizer affected yield and essential oil of two mint species. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants 21(6): 1674-1681.
Valizadeh, G.R., Z. Rengel, and A.W. Rate. 2002. Role of phosphorus banding and nitrate to ammonium ratio in phosphorus uptake and wheat growth. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 42: 1095-1102.
Wang, H., Z. Guo, Y. Shi, Y. Zhang, and Zh. Yu. 2015. Impact of tillage practices on nitrogen accumulation and translocation in wheat and soil nitrate-nitrogen leaching in drylands. Soil and Tillage Research. 153: 20-27.
Zheng, J., Y. Qu, M.M. Kilasara, W.N. Mari, and Sh. Funakawa. 2019. Nitrate leaching from the critical root zone of maize in two tropical highlands of Tanzania: Effects of fertilizer-nitrogen rate and straw incorporation. Soil and Tillage Research. 194: 104295