The Effect of Biochar and Humic Acid Rates on some Phophysiological Characteristics and Grain Yield SC704 Corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrid Under Water Deficit stress
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Armaghan Charkhab
Many Mojaddam
Shahram Lack
Tayyeb Sakinejad
Mohammad Reza Dadnia
1 - Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
5 - Department of Agronomy, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Grain yield, Humic acid, superoxide dismutase, Chlorophyll index, Optimal irrigation,
Abstract :
To evaluate the effect of different rates of biochar and humic acid applications on physiological characteristics and grain yield of single cross 704 hybrid corn under water deficit stress, a split split plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, was conducted during two years (2017-19) at Ahvaz. The main plot devoted to water deficit stress, with three levels irrigation (after depleting 30, 40, and 50% of field capacity as optimum irrigation, moderate stress, and severe stress, respectively) and sub-plot to biochar with 2 levels, non-application of biochar (control) and application of 4 tons per hectare of biochar, and the sub-sub plots to humic acid with 4 levels non-application of humic acid (control), and application of 2, 4, and 6 liters per hectare of humic acid. The results showed that the interaction effect of water shortage by biochar stress and water shortage by humic acid stress on grain yield, 1000-grain weight, number of grains per ear, superoxide dismutase, chlorophyll index and catalase were significant at 1% probability level. Under severe stress conditions grain yield (36.54%), number of grain per ear (36%) and leaf area index (30.36%) decreased and activity of superoxide dismutase (37.7%) increased. Acidic acid had a significant effect on all traits under study. The highest grain yield (8995.18 kg.ha-1) was related to irrigation treatment after 40% depletion of field capacity and application of 4 tons per hectare of biochar. Based the results obtained application of 4 liters per hectare of humic acid under moderate moisture stress conditions, could be recommended in arid and semi-arid conditions to save water consumption and reduce the effects of water deficit stress.
Abbas, T., M. Rizwan, S. Ali, M.Z. Rehman, M.F. Qayyum, F. Abbas, Hannan, J. Rinklebe, and Y.S. Ok. 2017. Effect of biochar on cadmium bioavailability and uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a soil with aged contamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 140: 37-47.
· Abeer, H., E.F. Abd Allah, A.A. Alqarawi, and D. Egamberdieva. 2015. Induction of salt stress tolerance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Legume Research. 38: 579-88.
· Abrishamkesh, S., M. Gorji, H. Asadi, A.A. Poorbabaei, and Gh. Bagheri Marandi. 2017. Production of rice husk biochar and its effects on lentil and wheat biomass. Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable. 7(2):135-150. (In Persian).
· Adejumo, S.A., M.O. Owolabi, and I.F. Odesola. 2016. Agro-physiologic effects of compost and biochar produced at different temperatures on growth, photosynthetic pigment and micronutrients uptake of maize crop. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 11(8): 661-673.
· Afarinesh, A., Gh. Fathi, R. Chogan, A. Siadat, Kh. Alami Said, and S. Ashrafizadeh. 2015. Evaluation of drought stress and soil density on some agronomic characteristics of corn (Zea mays L.). Journal Plant Production. 38: 13-24. (In Persian).
· Albayrak, S., and N. Camas. 2005. Effect of different levels and application times of humic acid on root and leaf yield and yield component of mungbean. Journal of Agronomy. 42: 130-133.
· Anonymous. 2014. FAOSTAT.Statistical database of the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. FAO, Rome.
· Anonymous. 2017. FAOSTAT. Statistical database of the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. FAO, Rome.
Anwar, Sh., F. Iqbal, W.A. Khattak, M. Islam, B. Iqbal, and Sh.Khan. 2016. Response of wheat crop to humic acid and nitrogen levels. Ecronicon Agriculture. 3(1): 558-565.
· Apel, K., and H. Hirt. 2004. Reactive oxygen species: metabolism, oxidative stress and signal transduction. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 55: 373-399.
· Arif, M., A. Asad, M. Umair, F. Munsif, A. Kawsar, M. Inamullah, M. Saleem, and A.Gohar. 2012. Effect of biochar, FYM and mineral nitrogen alone and in combination on yield components of maize. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 28(2): 191-195.
· Arumend, T., M.K. Abbasi, and E. Rafiqe. 2015. Effect of lignite-derived humic acid on some selected soil propertis, growth and nuntrient uptake of wheat grown under greenhouse conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 47(6): 2231-2238.
· Ayman, M., K.M. Abd El-Hai, and Kh.M. Ghoneem. 2009. Amino and humic acids promote growth, yield and disease resistance of Faba bean cultivated in Clayey soil. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 3(2): 731-739.
· Boominathan, R., and P.M. Doran. 2002. Ni indused oxidative stress in roots of the Ni hyperaccumulator, Alyssum bertolonii. Newphytologist. 156: 205-215.
· Cavani, L., C. Ciavatta, and C. Gessa. 2003. Identification of organic matter from peat, leonardite and lignite fertilizers using humification parameters and electrofocusing. Bioresour Technology. 86: 45-52.
· Cui, L., J. Yan, Y. Yang, L. Li, G. Quan, C. Ding, T. Chen, Q. Fu, and A. Chang. 2013. Biochar for heavy metals in soil. Biores Technology. 8: 5536-5548.
· Dadnia, M.R. 2016. Effect of humic acid on antioxidant enzyme activity and castor yield under water deficit stress conditions. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 1(4): 85-98. (In Persian).
· Delfine, S., R. Tognetti, E. Desiderio, and A. Alvino. 2005. Effect of foliar application of N and humic acids on growth and yield of durum wheat. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 25: 183-191.
· Dhindsa, R.A., P. Plumb-Dhindsa, and T.A. Thorpe. 1981. Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Journal Experiment Botany. 126: 93-101.
· Fallahi, G., A. Hatami, and R. Naseri. 2013. Growth Analysis of six corn hybrids under drought conditions in Kermanshah province, Iran. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 7(2): 181-196. (In Persian).
· Fiaz, K., S.A. Malik, Y. Younis, S. Danish, M.H. Raza Shah, and S. Niaz. 2014. Drought impact on Pb/Cd toxicity remediated by biochar in Brassica campestris. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 14(4): 845-854.
· Gaskin, J. W., R.A. Speir, K. Harris, K. Das, R.D. Lee, L.A. Morris, and D.S. Fisher. 2010. Effect of peanut hull and pine chip biochar on soil nutrients, corn nutrient status, and yield. Agronomy Journal. 102: 623-633.
· Gavili, E., A.A. Moosavi, and A.A. Kamgar Haghighi. 2016. Effect of cattle manure biochar and drought stress on the growth characteristics and water use efficiency of spinach under greenhouse conditions. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 30(2): 243-259. (In Persian).
· Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Sh. Heydari, and B. Dalil. 2018. Field performance of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under drought stress. Acta agriculturae Slovenica. 111(1):25-32.
· Ghorbani, SH., R. Khazaee, M. Kaafi, and A. Banayan. 2010. Effect of humic acid application in irrigation water on yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Agriculture Ecology. 2: 123-131.
· Gokila, B., and K. Baskar. 2015. Influence of biochar as soil amendment on yield and quality of maize. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences. 5: 152-155.
· Halek, F., A. Delavari, and A. Kavousi-rahim. 2013. Production of biodiesel as a renewable energy source from castor oil. Clean Technology Environment. 15: 1063-1068.
· Hoekman, S.K., A. Broch, C. Robbins, E. Ceniceros, and M. Natarajan. 2012. Review of biodiesel composition, properties, and specifications. Renew Sustainable Energy Revolution. 16: 143-169.
· Jemal, K., and A. Abebe. 2016. Determination of bio-char rate for improved production of Lemmon grass. International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research. 4(2):149–157.
· Kathrin, A. 2016. Biochar in soil: Effect on physical, chemical and hydrological properties in differently textured soils. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Agro Ecology, AU.
· Khan, R. U., M.Z. Khan, A. Khan, S. Saba, F. Hussain, and I.U. Jan. 2018. Effect of humic acid on growth and crop nutrient status of wheat on two different soils. Journal of plant nutrition. 41(4): 453-460.
· Koocheki, A., and Gh. Sarmadnia. 2008. Plant physiology (Translation). Mashhad Academic Publications. 467p.
· Korir, P.C., J.O. Nyabundi, and P.K. Kimurto. 2006. Genotypic responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to moisture stress conditions in Kenya. Asian Journal of Plant Science. 5: 24-32.
· Lotfollahi, S., B. Sani, and F. Rajabzadeh. 2018. Investigation of soil effect of humic acid and fulvic acid on yield and yield components of maize. 4th International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. 4 November 2018.
· Mahmoud, E., M. Ibrahim, L. Abd El-Rahman, and A. Khader. 2019. Effects of biochar and, phosphorus fertilizers on phosphorus fractions, wheat yield and microbial biomass carbon in Vertic torrifluvents. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 50(3): 362-372.
· Mahpara, S., T. Hussain, and J. Farooq. 2014. Drought tolerance studies in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova. 4(160): 133-140.
· Mohebali, M., S. Seifzadeh, and H.R. Zakerin. 2017. Effect of humic acid on grain yield of hybrid maize NS 640 under different irrigation regimes in Qazvin region, 3rd International Conference on New Ideas in Agriculture, Environment and Tourism, Ardabil, Ideal Environment Supporters Institute. (In Persian).
· Pullen, J., and K. Saeed. 2012. An overview of biodiesel oxidation stability. Renew Sustainable Energy. 16: 5924-5950.
· Rab, A., M. Rabnawaz Khan, S. Ul Haq, S. Zahid, M. Asim, M.Z. Afridi, M. Arif, and F. Munsif. 2016. Impact of biochar on mungbean yield and yield components. Pure and Applied Biology. 5(3): 632-640.
· Safahani, A.R., R. Noora. 2018. Effect of different levels of biochar on physiological traits of pumpkin under water shortage stress. Journal of Plant Ecophysiological Research. 13(49): 13-32. (In Persian).
· Sanjari, M., A.R. Siroosmehr, and B.A. Fakheri. 2015. The effects of drought stress and humic acid on some physiological characteristics of roselle. Journal of Crops Improvement. 17(2): 403-414. (In Persian).
· Sharma, P., A. Jha, R. Dubey, and M. Pessarakli. 2012. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative damage, and antioxidative defense mechanism in plants under stressful conditions. Journal of Botany. 14: 1-26.
· Siddiqui, M.H., M.Y. Al-Khaishany, M.A. Al-Qutami, M.H. Al-Whaibi, A. Grover, H.M. Ali, M.S. Al-Wahibi, and N.A. Bukhari. 2015. Response of different genotypes of faba bean plant to drought stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16: 10214–10227.
· Sika, M.P. 2012. Effect of biochar on chemistry, nutrient uptake and fertilizer mobility in sandy soil. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Soil Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch.
· Sun, H.J., H.C. Zhang, W.M. Shi, M.Y. Zhou, and X.F. Ma. 2019. Effect of biochar on nitrogen use efficiency, grain yield and amino acid content of wheat cultivated on saline soil. Plant, Soil and Environment. 65(2): 83–89.
· Szczepanek, M., and E. Wilczewski. 2016. Maize response to soil-applied humic substances and foliar fertilization with potassium. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 26(5): 1298-1303.
· Tsanaktsidis, C.G., S.G. Christidis, and E.P. Favvas. 2013. A novel method for improving the physicochemical properties of diesel and jet fuel using polyaspartate polymer additives. Fuel. 104: 155-162.
· Ullah, Z., M. Akmal, M. Ahmed, M. Ali, A. Zaib, and T. Ziad. 2018. Effect of biochar on maize yield and yield components in rainfed conditions. International Journal Agronomy Agricultur Research. 12(3): 46-51.
· Uzoma, K., M. Inoue, H. Andry, H. Fujimaki, A. Zahoor, and E. Nishihara. 2011. Effect of cow manure biochar on maize productivity under sandy soil condition. Soil Use and Management. 27: 205-212.
· Von Braun, J., D. Byerlee, C. Chartres, T. Lumpkin, N. Olembo, and J.J. Waage. 2010. A draft strategy and results framework for the CGIAR. World Bank, CGIAR, Washington DC, USA.
· Wang, J., L. Cao, and S. Han. 2014. Effect of polymeric cold flow improvers on flow properties of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Fuel. 117: 876-881.
· Zhang, J., and Q. Meng. 2014. Preparation of KOH/CaO/C supported biodiesel catalyst and application process. World Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2: 184-191.
Zhou, L., C. Monreal, Sh. Xu, N. McLaughlin, H. Zhang, G. Hao, and J. Liu. 2019. Effect of bentonite-humic acid application on the improvement of soil structure and maize yield in a sandy soil of a semi-arid region. Geoderma Science Direct. 338:269-280.
_||_Abbas, T., M. Rizwan, S. Ali, M.Z. Rehman, M.F. Qayyum, F. Abbas, Hannan, J. Rinklebe, and Y.S. Ok. 2017. Effect of biochar on cadmium bioavailability and uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a soil with aged contamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 140: 37-47.
· Abeer, H., E.F. Abd Allah, A.A. Alqarawi, and D. Egamberdieva. 2015. Induction of salt stress tolerance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Legume Research. 38: 579-88.
· Abrishamkesh, S., M. Gorji, H. Asadi, A.A. Poorbabaei, and Gh. Bagheri Marandi. 2017. Production of rice husk biochar and its effects on lentil and wheat biomass. Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable. 7(2):135-150. (In Persian).
· Adejumo, S.A., M.O. Owolabi, and I.F. Odesola. 2016. Agro-physiologic effects of compost and biochar produced at different temperatures on growth, photosynthetic pigment and micronutrients uptake of maize crop. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 11(8): 661-673.
· Afarinesh, A., Gh. Fathi, R. Chogan, A. Siadat, Kh. Alami Said, and S. Ashrafizadeh. 2015. Evaluation of drought stress and soil density on some agronomic characteristics of corn (Zea mays L.). Journal Plant Production. 38: 13-24. (In Persian).
· Albayrak, S., and N. Camas. 2005. Effect of different levels and application times of humic acid on root and leaf yield and yield component of mungbean. Journal of Agronomy. 42: 130-133.
· Anonymous. 2014. FAOSTAT.Statistical database of the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. FAO, Rome.
· Anonymous. 2017. FAOSTAT. Statistical database of the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. FAO, Rome.
Anwar, Sh., F. Iqbal, W.A. Khattak, M. Islam, B. Iqbal, and Sh.Khan. 2016. Response of wheat crop to humic acid and nitrogen levels. Ecronicon Agriculture. 3(1): 558-565.
· Apel, K., and H. Hirt. 2004. Reactive oxygen species: metabolism, oxidative stress and signal transduction. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 55: 373-399.
· Arif, M., A. Asad, M. Umair, F. Munsif, A. Kawsar, M. Inamullah, M. Saleem, and A.Gohar. 2012. Effect of biochar, FYM and mineral nitrogen alone and in combination on yield components of maize. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 28(2): 191-195.
· Arumend, T., M.K. Abbasi, and E. Rafiqe. 2015. Effect of lignite-derived humic acid on some selected soil propertis, growth and nuntrient uptake of wheat grown under greenhouse conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 47(6): 2231-2238.
· Ayman, M., K.M. Abd El-Hai, and Kh.M. Ghoneem. 2009. Amino and humic acids promote growth, yield and disease resistance of Faba bean cultivated in Clayey soil. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 3(2): 731-739.
· Boominathan, R., and P.M. Doran. 2002. Ni indused oxidative stress in roots of the Ni hyperaccumulator, Alyssum bertolonii. Newphytologist. 156: 205-215.
· Cavani, L., C. Ciavatta, and C. Gessa. 2003. Identification of organic matter from peat, leonardite and lignite fertilizers using humification parameters and electrofocusing. Bioresour Technology. 86: 45-52.
· Cui, L., J. Yan, Y. Yang, L. Li, G. Quan, C. Ding, T. Chen, Q. Fu, and A. Chang. 2013. Biochar for heavy metals in soil. Biores Technology. 8: 5536-5548.
· Dadnia, M.R. 2016. Effect of humic acid on antioxidant enzyme activity and castor yield under water deficit stress conditions. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 1(4): 85-98. (In Persian).
· Delfine, S., R. Tognetti, E. Desiderio, and A. Alvino. 2005. Effect of foliar application of N and humic acids on growth and yield of durum wheat. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 25: 183-191.
· Dhindsa, R.A., P. Plumb-Dhindsa, and T.A. Thorpe. 1981. Leaf senescence: correlated with increased levels of membrane permeability and lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Journal Experiment Botany. 126: 93-101.
· Fallahi, G., A. Hatami, and R. Naseri. 2013. Growth Analysis of six corn hybrids under drought conditions in Kermanshah province, Iran. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 7(2): 181-196. (In Persian).
· Fiaz, K., S.A. Malik, Y. Younis, S. Danish, M.H. Raza Shah, and S. Niaz. 2014. Drought impact on Pb/Cd toxicity remediated by biochar in Brassica campestris. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 14(4): 845-854.
· Gaskin, J. W., R.A. Speir, K. Harris, K. Das, R.D. Lee, L.A. Morris, and D.S. Fisher. 2010. Effect of peanut hull and pine chip biochar on soil nutrients, corn nutrient status, and yield. Agronomy Journal. 102: 623-633.
· Gavili, E., A.A. Moosavi, and A.A. Kamgar Haghighi. 2016. Effect of cattle manure biochar and drought stress on the growth characteristics and water use efficiency of spinach under greenhouse conditions. Journal of Water Research in Agriculture. 30(2): 243-259. (In Persian).
· Ghassemi-Golezani, K., Sh. Heydari, and B. Dalil. 2018. Field performance of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under drought stress. Acta agriculturae Slovenica. 111(1):25-32.
· Ghorbani, SH., R. Khazaee, M. Kaafi, and A. Banayan. 2010. Effect of humic acid application in irrigation water on yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Agriculture Ecology. 2: 123-131.
· Gokila, B., and K. Baskar. 2015. Influence of biochar as soil amendment on yield and quality of maize. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences. 5: 152-155.
· Halek, F., A. Delavari, and A. Kavousi-rahim. 2013. Production of biodiesel as a renewable energy source from castor oil. Clean Technology Environment. 15: 1063-1068.
· Hoekman, S.K., A. Broch, C. Robbins, E. Ceniceros, and M. Natarajan. 2012. Review of biodiesel composition, properties, and specifications. Renew Sustainable Energy Revolution. 16: 143-169.
· Jemal, K., and A. Abebe. 2016. Determination of bio-char rate for improved production of Lemmon grass. International journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research. 4(2):149–157.
· Kathrin, A. 2016. Biochar in soil: Effect on physical, chemical and hydrological properties in differently textured soils. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Agro Ecology, AU.
· Khan, R. U., M.Z. Khan, A. Khan, S. Saba, F. Hussain, and I.U. Jan. 2018. Effect of humic acid on growth and crop nutrient status of wheat on two different soils. Journal of plant nutrition. 41(4): 453-460.
· Koocheki, A., and Gh. Sarmadnia. 2008. Plant physiology (Translation). Mashhad Academic Publications. 467p.
· Korir, P.C., J.O. Nyabundi, and P.K. Kimurto. 2006. Genotypic responses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to moisture stress conditions in Kenya. Asian Journal of Plant Science. 5: 24-32.
· Lotfollahi, S., B. Sani, and F. Rajabzadeh. 2018. Investigation of soil effect of humic acid and fulvic acid on yield and yield components of maize. 4th International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. 4 November 2018.
· Mahmoud, E., M. Ibrahim, L. Abd El-Rahman, and A. Khader. 2019. Effects of biochar and, phosphorus fertilizers on phosphorus fractions, wheat yield and microbial biomass carbon in Vertic torrifluvents. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 50(3): 362-372.
· Mahpara, S., T. Hussain, and J. Farooq. 2014. Drought tolerance studies in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova. 4(160): 133-140.
· Mohebali, M., S. Seifzadeh, and H.R. Zakerin. 2017. Effect of humic acid on grain yield of hybrid maize NS 640 under different irrigation regimes in Qazvin region, 3rd International Conference on New Ideas in Agriculture, Environment and Tourism, Ardabil, Ideal Environment Supporters Institute. (In Persian).
· Pullen, J., and K. Saeed. 2012. An overview of biodiesel oxidation stability. Renew Sustainable Energy. 16: 5924-5950.
· Rab, A., M. Rabnawaz Khan, S. Ul Haq, S. Zahid, M. Asim, M.Z. Afridi, M. Arif, and F. Munsif. 2016. Impact of biochar on mungbean yield and yield components. Pure and Applied Biology. 5(3): 632-640.
· Safahani, A.R., R. Noora. 2018. Effect of different levels of biochar on physiological traits of pumpkin under water shortage stress. Journal of Plant Ecophysiological Research. 13(49): 13-32. (In Persian).
· Sanjari, M., A.R. Siroosmehr, and B.A. Fakheri. 2015. The effects of drought stress and humic acid on some physiological characteristics of roselle. Journal of Crops Improvement. 17(2): 403-414. (In Persian).
· Sharma, P., A. Jha, R. Dubey, and M. Pessarakli. 2012. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative damage, and antioxidative defense mechanism in plants under stressful conditions. Journal of Botany. 14: 1-26.
· Siddiqui, M.H., M.Y. Al-Khaishany, M.A. Al-Qutami, M.H. Al-Whaibi, A. Grover, H.M. Ali, M.S. Al-Wahibi, and N.A. Bukhari. 2015. Response of different genotypes of faba bean plant to drought stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16: 10214–10227.
· Sika, M.P. 2012. Effect of biochar on chemistry, nutrient uptake and fertilizer mobility in sandy soil. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Soil Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch.
· Sun, H.J., H.C. Zhang, W.M. Shi, M.Y. Zhou, and X.F. Ma. 2019. Effect of biochar on nitrogen use efficiency, grain yield and amino acid content of wheat cultivated on saline soil. Plant, Soil and Environment. 65(2): 83–89.
· Szczepanek, M., and E. Wilczewski. 2016. Maize response to soil-applied humic substances and foliar fertilization with potassium. The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 26(5): 1298-1303.
· Tsanaktsidis, C.G., S.G. Christidis, and E.P. Favvas. 2013. A novel method for improving the physicochemical properties of diesel and jet fuel using polyaspartate polymer additives. Fuel. 104: 155-162.
· Ullah, Z., M. Akmal, M. Ahmed, M. Ali, A. Zaib, and T. Ziad. 2018. Effect of biochar on maize yield and yield components in rainfed conditions. International Journal Agronomy Agricultur Research. 12(3): 46-51.
· Uzoma, K., M. Inoue, H. Andry, H. Fujimaki, A. Zahoor, and E. Nishihara. 2011. Effect of cow manure biochar on maize productivity under sandy soil condition. Soil Use and Management. 27: 205-212.
· Von Braun, J., D. Byerlee, C. Chartres, T. Lumpkin, N. Olembo, and J.J. Waage. 2010. A draft strategy and results framework for the CGIAR. World Bank, CGIAR, Washington DC, USA.
· Wang, J., L. Cao, and S. Han. 2014. Effect of polymeric cold flow improvers on flow properties of biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Fuel. 117: 876-881.
· Zhang, J., and Q. Meng. 2014. Preparation of KOH/CaO/C supported biodiesel catalyst and application process. World Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2: 184-191.
Zhou, L., C. Monreal, Sh. Xu, N. McLaughlin, H. Zhang, G. Hao, and J. Liu. 2019. Effect of bentonite-humic acid application on the improvement of soil structure and maize yield in a sandy soil of a semi-arid region. Geoderma Science Direct. 338:269-280.