Evaluation of Quality, Physiological Tuber Yield Traits in Potato Genotypes in Ardabil Region
Subject Areas : Journal of Crop EcophysiologyDavoud Hassanpanah 1 * , احمدموسی پورگرجی 2
1 - Associate Professor Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Centre Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Centre - - Horticulture Crops Research Department, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Centre, AREEO,
2 - Associate Professor, Vegetable and Irrigated Pulse Crops Research Department, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, AREEO, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Tuber yield, Tuber Protein Content, Tuber Dry Matter Percentage, Tuber Vitamin C Content,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate tuber yield and traits related to tuber quality, 30 potato genotypes were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Potato Research Station of the countrylocated in Ardabil city during 2021 year. During the growing season and after harvest traits of tuber yield, tuber soluble sugar amount, tuber proline amount, tuber starch percentage, tuber protein amount, tuber dry matter percentage, tuber polyphenol oxidase activities amount, tuber catalase amount, tuber superoxide dismutase amount, tuber fiber amount, tuber nitrogen amount, tuber fat amount, tuber vitamin c amount, tuber reducing sugar content, tuber eye depth, tuber shape, tuber skin and flesh color, tuber hollow heart, tuber inner ring, baking type, discolored of raw tuber flesh after 24 h and maturity were measured according to the National Guidelines for Determining the Field Value Tests. There was a significant difference between genotypes in terms of all measured traits. The highest tuber yield was related to genotypes 7009-3, Rona, Takta, 905675 and 8707-112. High-yield genotypes had higher tuber proline amount, tuber catalase amount, tuber fat amount, tuber superoxide dismutase amount and acceptable tuber reducing sugar content, tuber eye depth, tuber hollow heart very minor and the internal rust of the tuber was very low. The Rona, Takta, 905675 and 8707-112 genotypes belong to the moderately late maturity group and 7009-3 genotypes belong to the moderately early maturity group. Genotypes 7009-3 and 905675 with dry matter between 21 to 21.99% with round tuber shape, suitable for chips, 8707-112 genotype with more than 22% tuber dry matter percentage and long oval tuber shape, suitable for French-fries, Rona genotype with more than 22% tuber dry matter percentage and round oval tuber shape, suitable for chips, and and Takta genotype with a percentage of tuber dry matter between 18 to 20% with the oval round tuber shape, suitable for salads and canned were determined. Genotypes 7009-3 and Rona had the highest tuber protein and tuber vitamin c amount.
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