Investigation and simulation of power control plan in energy harvesting telecommunication systems
Subject Areas : Communication EngineeringNasrollah Bayat 1 , Azar Mahmoodzadeh 2 * , FATEMEH SAFAEI 3
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Harvesting energy from the environment, limited battery capacity, feeding channel, wireless communication, power optimization,
Abstract :
In the upcoming research, our effort is to study energy-harvesting telecommunication systems with one transmitter-one receiver for a Gaussian white noise telecommunication channel with fading. Harvested energies and channel fading are independent and identically distributed processes, and information about harvested energies and channel gain is causally provided to the transmitter. The transmitter is equipped with a rechargeable battery with limited storage capacity.Our goal is to obtain an online power control scheme that maximizes the average data transmission rate over a telecommunication interval of unlimited length. A low-complexity algorithm based on online convex optimization is proposed to guarantee the energy availability of the energy harvesting node and to maximize the long-term average data transmission rate. The proposed algorithm limits the maximum transmission power by knowing the state of charge and allocates the transmission power based on historical information. Simulations have been performed to show the effectiveness of the algorithm by considering input energy with different distributions, as well as channel coefficientswith different distributions. The proposed algorithm performs better than its peers in different energy harvesting rates.
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