Investigating the application of essential, extract (Artemisia sieberi) allelopathic and nano on improving the competitive ability of wheat with weeds
Subject Areas :Ehsanollah Jalili 1 * , Farnaz Ganjabadi 2 , Mirsaeid Valiahdi 3
1 - Graduated MSc detect and combat weeds and PhD student, Department of Agriculture weeds, the city of Quds, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - student of Ph.D., Department of Agriculture, City of Quds, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Mechanization Department, Deputy Director for Development and Human Resources, Agriculture Organization of Agriculture, Alborz Province
Keywords: yield, Allelopathy, Weeds, growth parameters, nano,
Abstract :
To increase the competitive ability of wheat with weeds by the interaction effect of essential, extract allelopathic (Artemisia sieberi) and nano an experiment was conducted in Alborz, Karaj in 2016 as a factorial experiment in randomized complete block design with three replications. experimental treatments including Artemisia essential, extract allelopathy in six levels: essential of 0.6, 0.4 and 0.2 ml/m2, and extracts 0.6, 0.4 and 0.2 ml/m2, control with weed (non-use of allelopathic compounds), weed control (weeding) and Nano ZFMB (Zinc, Iron, Manganese & Boron) Nano at three levels: Nano, one Lit.haˉ¹, two Lit.haˉ¹of, a control (no use of Nano).The results of this study showed that essential oil treatment of 0.6 ml/m2 with consumption of two Lit.haˉ¹ Nano reduced 73.33% of total dry weight of weeds compared to the control of presence of weed. As a result, conditions for proper plant growth were provided. Nano effects have a more positive effect on wheat growth and the plant maintains the balance in the production of grains and straw by producing an adequate shoot. Also, in reducing the competition of weeds on wheat, the allocation of photosynthetic photos to the seed was more than straw. This increased 55.83% of wheat yield compared to the control of presence of weed.