Analysis of the influencing factors on the behavioral intention of farmers in the acceptance of Arta tobacco
Subject Areas : Agricultural Extension and Education ResearchAbdolhalim Kor 1 * , Reza Movahedi 2 , Hamid Balali 3
1 - PhD. D. Student of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Agricultural, Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural, Bu- Ali Sina University
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural, Bu- Ali Sina University
Keywords: Golestan Province, Tobacco, Attitude, behavioral intention, Key words: acceptance,
Abstract :
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the factors influencing the farmers' behavioral intention to accept Arta tobacco cultivation in the eastern regions of Gholston province. The research type was an applied research which was done by a surveying method. The statistical population was 662 tobacco farmers in Minoodasht and Dozin regions located in the east of the province, of those 154 samples were selected as a sample population by using Cocheran's formula. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire. The questionnaire validity was assessed by discriminant and convergent validity methods and the questionaire reliability was evaluated by composite reliability method using PLS software. The hypotheses test and structural modeling equations results showed that the variables attitude with a coefficient of 0.717, personality with a coefficient of 0.322, perceived ease of use with a coefficient of 0.267, trust with a coefficient of 0.167 and perceived risk with a coefficient of 0.138 were the strongest determination of farmers' behavioral intention in accepting Arta tobacco, respectively.
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