Explaining the Factors Affecting on the Environmental Ethical Behavior of Villagers According to Experts of Jihad Agriculture and Environmental Organizations in Khuzestan Province
Subject Areas : Agricultural Extension and Education Research
mohammad reza siedi
masoud baradaran
masoud Yazdanpanah
1 - PhD. student, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Khuzestan, Iran
2 - Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Khuzestan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Rural, University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Khuzestan, Iran
Keywords: Food security, Environmental Ethical Behavior, Khuzestan Province,
Abstract :
The instability of production and the reduction of food security have been the result of man's profitable use of nature's capacities. In the field of environmental protection, the behavior of human beings as a key factor in the formation of environmental problems is irrefutable. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify the factors influencing the ethical behavior of the villagers, according to Experts of Jihad Agriculture and Environmental Organizations in Khuzestan Province using Grounded Theory method. In this method, coding is a basic technique for data analysis that has a three-step process and includes: Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding. In the Open coding phase, after conducting 10 in-depth interviews with employees of Jihad-Agriculture Organization and Khuzestan Province Environmental Organization, Line-by-line analysis was used to analyze the findings. Then the sentences and paragraphs were broken down into concepts. In the Axial coding stage of the categories, three categories: Political factors "," environmental ethics Perspective "and" educational factors "were identified as the main categories. Finally, the research paradigm model was drawn, considering the main categories under the terms casual condition, the cynicism of the villagers and the educators about each other as interventionist conditions, drought and lack of fallow as background, and necessary strategies to implement ethical behavior with the environment and their its associated consequences among the villagers, were formulated.
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