Improving the Performance of Gas Turbine based on Rowen Model Using Type-2 Fuzzy Controller
Subject Areas : Electrical Engineering
Neda Jalali
Mohammad Tolou Askari
Hadi Razmi
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
2 - Energy and Sustainable Development Research Center, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical Engineering, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran , Iran
Keywords: gas turbine, V94.2 Gas Turbine, Rowen Model, Type-2 Fuzzy Control,
Abstract :
According to the crucial role of gas turbines in electricity production without significant harmful effects on the environment, this paper is aimed at the modeling and simulation of a particular type of these systems known as V94.2. Gas turbine is an instrument for power generation, which is capable of producing a vast amount of energy by considering its size and weight. Despite all the advantages and applications of gas turbines, the use of these systems is not free of difficulties because of their remote controls in such a way that it is estimated that about a quarter of turbine price is spent on its launching. To tackle this problem, a mathematical model has been proposed for V94.2 gas turbines as a result of the review of the pieces of research done on the modelling of gas turbines in the past few years and on the basis of Rowen model. In the following, the capability of fuzzy type-2 controllers has been sed to ensure the system stability. The results of the simulation in MATLAB software clearly shows that the output variables of V94.2 gas turbine reach a specific situation and place after applying the inputs at the right time.
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