Human resources attitude towards knowledge management application (Case Study)
Subject Areas : Journal of Information Systems and ServicesFatemeh Helaliyan Motlagh 1 , Mohammad Hasanzadeh 2 , Fatemeh zandian 3
1 - MA of knowledge and information science, University of Tarbiat Modares
2 - Associate professor of information science and knowledge, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Tarbiat Modares
3 - Assistant Professor of information science and knowledge, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Tarbiat Modares
Keywords: Attitude, human resources, knowledge management, Share knowledge, South Pars Special Economic En,
Abstract :
Purpose: In this era of knowledge and creativity are likely to draw the attention of managers on issues and subsequently, Danshgra people are more important than pragmatic people. Thus, this study aims to identify the attitudes of staff of the South Pars Special Economic Energy Zone petrochemical companies to use their knowledge management.. Methodology: A descriptive - survey. The population included 11,424 employees, 13 of South Pars Petrochemical Special Economic Zone, which according to Morgan as the sample size was 370 people. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed by experts and professors and Cronbach's alpha was used to determine its reliability and 0/91 reliability was determined. Data analysis using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential (Spearman, I'm Whitney, Kruskal -Valys) software was SPSS21. Findings: The findings show that a positive attitude toward the application of knowledge management. And a significant positive correlation between gender, age, education and years of service with the attitude of the staff there. Moreover, based on the findings Mnadray difference between these variables and attitude toward applied knowledge management in the organization. Conclusion: Results of this study was to understand the accretion of knowledge and knowledge management in the organization, effective and accurate decisions in the light emphasizes knowledge sharing.
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