Knowledge organization from the perspective of Habermas's public sphere
Subject Areas : Journal of Information Systems and Services
1 - Ph. D. student of Knowledge and Information Science, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Knowledge organization, Habermas, public sphere,
Abstract :
Purpose: This article aims to study the role of knowledge organization in society and its relationship with social, political, economic and cultural structures. In this study, the relationships between the knowledge organization and social structures and its role in society have been studied based on Habermas's public sphere theory to determine that documents organizing is a function of social structures and can be influenced and also affect on society and its structures. Methodology: This research is carried out using library method in qualitative analysis methodology. Findings: The study showed that knowledge organization in information and knowledge science is not only a practical activity and can be considered as a field of study in society. According to the theory of the public sphere, knowledge organization can be effective in a combination of public and private spheres. Knowledge organization is organized by the society and the public sphere, on the other hand, can also be influence on public sphere.
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