Examining the Usability of Islamic Thesaurus-based Offline Databases Based on ISO 9241 and ISO 16982
Subject Areas : Journal of Information Systems and ServicesSeyed Mehdi Taheri 1 , Davood Shadpoori 2 , Masoud Razmi Shendi 3 * , Yaghoub Norouzi 4
1 - Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Information Science, Allameh Tabataba’i University
2 - M.A. of Knowledge and Information Science, Imam Sadegh University
3 - Master of Knowledge and Information Science, Hamadan Branch,
Islamic Azad University
4 - Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Information Science, Qom University
Keywords: Islamic Thesaurus-based Offlin, ISO 9241, ISO 16982, Usability,
Abstract :
Purpose: The aim of this study was to find out the usability of Islamic thesaurus-based offline databases based on ISO 9241 and ISO 16982. Methods: The research was applied through an analytical survey method. The Statistical population contains 30 researchers of Islamic sciences. To gather information and collect data, the questionnaire technique were used. Findings: The researchers were answered the questions about Figh principles databaseswith the following rating: to those related to criterion “navigation”, 52/2% responded "yes", 33/1% responded "approximately" and 19/5% answered "no" and about questions relating to the criterion "search", 40/7% responded yes, 35/2% responded approximately, and 28/9% answered “no”. About Quranic science database the answers related to criterion “navigation”, have this rating: 53/7% responded "yes", 29/5% responded "approximately" and 21/2% answered "no", and about the criterion "search", 46/8% responded "yes", 26/6% responded "approximately", 27/9% answered "no". Conclusion: From the viewpoint of the researchers, the databases examined support almost half of the features of the search and navigation criteria and the other half should be considered for improving the usability.
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