A Study of Burnt-out Syndrome of Librarians in the University of Isfahan University and its Relationship with their Demographic Characteristics
Subject Areas : Journal of Information Systems and ServicesRoghayeh Rezaei aderyani 1 * , Ahmad Shabani 2 , Mohammad Reza Abedi 3
1 - MA of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan
2 - professor of Knowledge and information science, University of Isfahan
University of Isfahan, Hezar Jarib Street, Isfahan
3 - Associate professor of Department of Consulting, University of Isfahan.
Keywords: Occupational burnout, Librarians, Demographic characteristics, Academic libraries,
Abstract :
Purpose: The present study examined the rate of burnout in librarians of University of Isfahan and its relationship with demographic factors. Methodology: The population consists of 61 librarians of University of Isfahan, the census method was used and questionnaire was delivered to all of them and 57 copies were returned. Findings: The findings showed that burnout in librarians in Personal Performance (frequency and intensity) is at average level and emotional exhaustion and depersonalization is low. The findings in demographic characteristics also showed that there is relationship between job burnout and sex (frequency of emotional exhaustion), degree (intensity of depersonalization), field of study (intensity and frequency of emotional exhaustion), and there is no relationship between job burnout and age, years of service, and position. Conclusions: Considering the results, the officials and managers should consider the measurements to consider burnout in librarians who have an important duty to help teachers and students
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