The Authority of the Appearance of Books and Sunnah in the Principles of Jurisprudence and its Comparison with Hermeneutics
Subject Areas : Theological and philosophical criticism of religious-Islamic subjectsrahmat MOUSIVAND 1 , Abdulwahid Wafai 2 * , عبدالرضا جمالزاده 3
1 - PhD Student of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - گروه الهیات، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران شمال، تهران، ایران
Keywords: Principles of Jurisprudence, Hermeneutics, the Authority of Appearances, Understanding the Book and Tradition,
Abstract :
Understanding is a kind of cognition. Reading a text or hearing a speech is different from understanding it, and one may hear a speech or read a text, but not understand it. One of the important issues of religious sciences and humanities is understanding the meaning of the text. Hermeneutics is one of the branches of human sciences that discusses the theoretical foundations of text interpretation and understanding. In the discussion of the principles of jurisprudence, although the method of the Principlists is in the direction of trying to make the interpreter’s to reach the author's intention, there is no mention of the author's experience in the interpreter’s mind. In this article, with the analytical-argumentative method, it was found that according to the points of commonalities and differences between hermeneutics and the principles of jurisprudence, it became clear that there is a relationship and interaction between these two sciences. This relationship can result in the influence of one on the other. Some points of commonality can be used in the science of the Principles of Jurisprudence as the principles of the subject which are proven in the other science and help to reduce the issues raised in the science of the principles without the need to prove them in it.
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