Economic Corruption and How to Fight it in Alawi Government
Subject Areas : Thematic interpretation of Nahj al-Balagha
Omid Farhad Touski
Rahman doostian
1 - Assistant Professor Department of Accounting, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran
2 - Department of accounting, khorramabad branch, islamic azad university, Khorramabad, iran
Keywords: Social Justice, Economic Corruption, Anti-Corruption, Alawite Government,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the fight against economic corruption in the Alawi government. From the point of view of Islam and the Quran, since the goal is a healthy economic circulation all over the society, any behavior against this principle is considered economic corruption; therefore, even accumulating wealth is fought against because accumulating wealth not only prevents the healthy circulation of the economy in the society, but it also seriously hinders individual growth and makes humans trapped in extravagance. Imam Ali (A.S.) has explained methods to fight corruption in Nahj al-Balagheh and he employed them in his government. In this research, using the analytical descriptive method, by relying on Nahj al-Balagha and other reliable sources, the answer to this question was investigated: How was the way of fighting economic corruption in the Alawi government? The findings showed that a dynamic civil society can play an important role in creating and empowering good governance. This is what which is worthy of attention; however, the economic policies of the Alawite government has been ignored from the point of view of deep Muslim thinkers in the field of economics, even though it can be the basis and foundation for new design to avoid the economic crisis in the Islamic world and establish a suitable economic model.
الف. منابع فارسی و عربی
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