Investigating rationalism in theological religions; Focusing on the Ash'are religion
Subject Areas : Theological and philosophical criticism of religious-Islamic subjectsYasir Alizadeh 1 * , hossein soleimani amoli 2 , abdollah rajaee litkohi 3
1 - PhD student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
2 - Assistant Prof, Department of Islamic knowledge and philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof, Department of Islamic knowledge and philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran
Keywords: Islam, Ash'ari, religious deviations, evasion of reason,
Abstract :
Reason and wisdom have an important place in religion and one of the key issues in the promotion and accurate, effective and deep understanding of religion is the recognition of religious deviations, irrationality and anti-rationalism in it. Since divine religions benefit from holy power and make everything related to it holy, it causes some people to pursue their non-religious goals in the name of religion and religiosity. This article tries to address the grounds of the formation of anti-rationalism with the conceptualization of religious deviations and rationalism and examine the results of religious deviations and rationalism in the Ash'ari school. The grounds for the formation of anti-rationalism have been created in some religious schools of thought, and it is believed that the decline of rationality in Islam has developed with the spread of Ash'ariism, and Ash'ari has become the cause of the backwardness of the Islamic world. The main goal of this article is to prevent the damage of irrationality in the society by removing distortions from the holy religion of Islam.
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