A Recommender Model based on Bayesian Theory for Detection of COVID-19 on the Internet of Things Ecosystem
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
Zahra Ghorbankhani
Mani Zarei
Rahil Hosseini
1 - MSc, Computer Engineering, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: IoT, Bayesian theory model, Data mining, COVID-19, Bayesian boosting,
Abstract :
Introduction: Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in healthcare with recommending techniques is highly effective in improving the smart health system, accelerating the control of mutated versions of viral diseases such as COVID-19, and reducing treatment costs. Therefore, using data mining techniques in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem can be considered a reliable recommender system to identify people suffering from viral diseases such as COVID-19 in AI-assisted healthcare societies. Although the COVID-19 disease does not cause the death of humans at the moment, it still has a longer treatment period, and it is still catastrophic in elderly people or people with underlying diseases.
Method: In this article, a recommender AI-assisted model is proposed based on Bayesian theory to detect COVID-19 in the IoT ecosystem. For this purpose, the factors affecting the coronavirus epidemic are discussed, and the data set of 50,000 patients is used to identify the disease of COVID-19 in different people. The data mining techniques used in this article include the Bayesian theory model, the proposed hybrid Bayesian boosting model, the nearest neighbor model, and the logistic regression model as machine learning methods.
Results: The Bayesian recommendation model in this research, can calculate the probability of contracting COVID-19 disease in new people with higher accuracy than the nearest neighbor and logistic regression models. By Referring to the performance evaluation results for the Bayesian theory model, Bayesian boosting proposed hybrid model, nearest neighbor model, and logistic regression model we conclude that the Bayesian belief model with 87% and its enhanced model with 98% have the highest accuracy.
Discussion: The results measured in the algorithms show that the Bayesian theory recommender model, considering five features related to the symptoms of COVID-19 in the training data, calculated the probability of COVID-19 in new people with higher accuracy than the two nearest neighbor and logistic regression models. Considering that the focus of this research was on the accuracy of the proposed model, combining it with the decision tree model, which is named the Bayesian reinforcement model in this research, has been able to increase a significant percentage of accuracy. In addition, it compares the results by implementing two other models: nearest neighbor and logistic regression. Considering that the time index is one of the key components, the methods that have been introduced have been able to predict the probability of contracting COVID-19 in the fastest time.
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