Applications of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Education
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
behroz rajaee
jafar salimi
naser abbasi
khadijeh babakhani
1 - Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Faculty of Humanities and Art, Department of Law, Zanjan, Iran
2 - Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Faculty of Humanities and Art, Department of Law, Zanjan, Iran
3 - Farhangiagn University, Shahid Beheshti College, , Zanjan, Iran
4 - Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Faculty of Psychology, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: Augmented Reality, virtual reality, virtual education,
Abstract :
Introduction: Distance education has always had an important place in education, and currently one of the most attractive innovations that are widely used in distance education is virtual reality and augmented reality technology. We are now on a path where education is moving towards new technology, among which are augmented reality and virtual reality technologies. Accordingly, virtual reality and augmented reality technology can help students learn by providing educational materials and teachers as a teaching platform. With the help of these technologies, teachers can show anything in the classroom to students and thus engage them much better with lessons and education. The exact thing that is considered in divergent education; students have a role in the knowledge process of participation and active learning (student-centered).Method: The research method was a systematic review of research findings on the applications of virtual reality and augmented reality. Thus, the articles of the years (2016 to 2021) from databases (PubMed, Google scholar, science direct, Elsevier, Scopus, Springer, SID, Civilica) with the keywords "virtual reality", "augmented reality", "virtual education" was investigated.Findings: The evaluations of the articles showed that virtual reality provides outstanding visualization that cannot be achieved in the traditional classroom, and augmented reality experiences are an effective way to stimulate the presence and participation of students in online and hybrid education. Discussion and conclusion: virtual reality/augmented reality in the educational field has created interaction with virtual objects in the real environment. Therefore, in the era of the global pandemic, when the entire educational process is transferred online, virtual reality and augmented reality technology can create physical interaction between the learner and the environment, and engage the student's senses, and increase information and experience learning, and research They demonstrated improvements in learning, student engagement, motivation, and collaboration with educational environments enriched with virtual reality/augmented reality applications. In general, the results of this research are of great importance for the application of these technologies in the educational field, so that students' learning can be useful with both technologies.
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