Identifying and prioritizing the barriers of using Instgaram for developing small businesses in Karaj
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
hamid hemmati
homa Doroudi
1 - Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, Faculty of Humanities and Art, Zanjan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, Faculty of Humanities and Art, Zanjan, Iran
Keywords: Instagram, social media, small businesses, Karaj city, e-marketing,
Abstract :
Introduction: Social media marketing is a form of word-of-mouth marketing. The use of Instagram social media thanks to its variety of benefits, can be a powerful element to significantly compensate for the shortcomings and limitations of marketing strategies of small companies. To succeed in the electronic world and social media, Instagram is the first and most important planning step to identify barriers to using these media. Organizations need to be aware of these barriers in order to properly design and implement Instagram social media strategies. The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize barriers to using Instagram social media in small businesses in Karaj.Method: This study is exploratory-applied in terms of purpose and is qualitative in terms of identifying indicators and quantitative in terms of surveying people related to the research topic. In this research, the library method was used to extract the research background, and the field method with a questionnaire was used to collect data.Findings: Barriers to using Instagram social media in small businesses in Karaj city have 39 elements or indicators and 6 components; The first component with 7 indicators ,the second component with 7 indicators, the third component with 5 indicators as described (lack of financial capacity of enterprises, lack of training costs, lack of maintenance costs, lack of investment incentives, insufficient budget for technology), The fourth component with 8 indicators described (lack of proper belief and attitude to Instagram social media, lack of proper information, lack of information-based decision-making culture, difficulty in how to localize technology, lack of laws in accordance with national traditions and criteria Ethical, lack of culture and behavior of the appropriate community with Instagram social media, lack of readiness of commercial companies, dissatisfaction of customers), the fifth component with 5 indicators as described (lack of identification in cyberspace, lack of cyberspace security, lack of Social media laws Instagram, lack of digital signature, non-enforcement of copyright law) and the sixth component with 7 indicators as described (personal resistance, organizational resistance, lack of computer knowledge and skills, lack of training and skills of the workforce, lack of knowledge of benefits and advantages, lack of trust , Fear of changing existing conditions).Discussion and Conclusion: The overall results showed that the use of Instagram social media in small businesses in the city of Karaj has many obstacles that if these obstacles are removed, we can take steps to develop these businesses. Researchers are advised to complete this research on topics such as using the case study method to extract the critical success factors of using Instagram social media in small businesses.
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