Developing a performance aware cloud infrastructure in e-learning system
Subject Areas :
Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
nafiseh fareghzadeh
Nasser Modiri
1 - Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh Branch, Iran
2 - Department of Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Received: 2020-12-09
Accepted : 2021-03-28
Published : 2021-03-21
learning management system,
cloud computing,
Abstract :
Introduction: The sharing of resources and the dynamics of workloads in e-learning systems cause competition between users and loss of efficiency. Awareness of efficiency as a key solution can protect workloads from each other's negative effects. Currently, the lack of such an infrastructure causes fluctuations in efficiency and unfavorable service quality in these systems. The purpose of the current research is to take steps to compensate for the aforementioned shortcomings and one of the most important achievements is the development of an efficient cloud infrastructure in electronic education systems. Unlike existing approaches, the proposed infrastructure does not depend on a specific execution mechanism and independently of the service level and actors, it monitors the performance of the entire cloud stack in an integrated and dynamic manner.
Method: The proposed approach displays e-learning systems based on sets of departments and operational units, components, operational dependencies, and required functional connections. The description of operational units and their duties and functions are as follows: shared knowledge repository, recovery and synchronization unit, audit and monitoring unit, inference and notification unit, control and execution unit.
Findings: The results of the implementation and evaluation of different scenarios show the superiority of the proposed infrastructure and the improvement of performance criteria.
Discussion: The proposed infrastructure uses performance values and criteria as raw data for dynamic control and performance management. Therefore, this operational framework can be used for different efficiency measures. The proposed approach is able to support performance optimization and management of its requirements for a multi-tenant environment. The approach of the present research, considering the aspects of awareness of efficiency in electronic education systems, can be used as an effort to create a general roadmap and a perspective to achieve awareness of efficiency in basic cloud services
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