A novel approach for School bus routing using White Shark Optimizer algorithm
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent SystemsMohammad Salemifar 1 , Mohammad reza Mohammadrezaei 2 *
1 - MSc, Department of Computer Engineering, bardsir Branch, Islamic Azad University, bardsir, Iran,
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran
Keywords: SBRP, School Bus Routing Problem, White Shark Optimizer algorithm ,
Abstract :
Introduction:School Bus Routing Problem (SBRP) is a complex transportation challenge that involves finding optimal bus routes. addressing urgent issues such as increased traffic load, high student population, lack of resources, safety, and hazards can play an essential role in designing an efficient program for the student transportation system. The importance of this issue is highlighted when the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, including students, the private sector, and municipalities, are considered.
Method: The goal of SBRP is to design routes for the school bus fleet that pick up students at a series of pre-defined bus stops and drop them off at school. This problem is known as NP-Hard; It is therefore important to address the issue of school bus routing to ensure a safe and cost-effective solution for students, parents and stakeholders. However, there are challenges in terms of limitations and multiple objectives. In this paper, the school bus routing problem is formulated as an optimization problem. To solve this problem, the white shark optimization algorithm has been used.
Results: The proposed method has been implemented in MATLAB simulator. The number of students is 100. The number of buses is 7 and the number of schools is 5. The evaluation criteria included the total travel distances of school services, the average commuting time of students, the total travel time and the desirability of routing.
Discussion: The proposed method has been able to improve the evaluation criteria compared to the basic plan based on the genetic algorithm and the method based on the ant algorithm.
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