Outsourcing in Railway Transportation Using the Data Enveloping Method
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi
Nima Saeedi
1 - Assistant professor and Faculty Member of Accounting and Management, Islamic Azad University, Firouzkouh branch, Firouzkouh, Iran
2 - Young Researchers and Elite club, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2016-06-02
Accepted : 2016-12-01
Published : 2016-12-10
Abstract :
Due to the competitive condition of the private environment of the organizations, the newly arrived services providing companies have gained a huge growth. The issues of economic recession as well as the bankruptcy of different industries, the railway industry in particular, have forced the organizations to make themselves ready for the critical days trying to remove the economic barriers by their own. So, these organizations must be familiar with the methods and tricks of the change management. This measure must be performed in such a way to make them less vulnerable to the turbulences which happen and to help them for the better quality, higher productivity with less administrative an production costs. In this paper, it is aimed to introduce the outsourcing strategy as a tool for enhancing the organizational productivity and through combining it with the DEA to provide a tool for the railway transportation companies to select their required suppliers. If the process of outsourcing by using the external resources is performed based on the certain studies, it would lead to the reduction of production costs, quality improvement, employee satisfaction, employment growth and finally to the increase of organizational productivity. Therefore, through outsourcing and combining it with DEA and GP for selecting the supplier, the process of using this acquired efficiency tool would be available.
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Afshar Kazemi, M. A. (2012). selecting portfolio in Tehran Securities and Exchange by combining DEA and GP, financial knowledge of Exchange analysis, 5, 49-63.
Alam Tabriz. A., Saiedy, H., Deilami, M. S. (2011). Using Composed Approach Of Dea And Ahp For Efficiency Evaluation Faculties Of Shahid Beheshti University.
Aubert, B.A., Patry, M., Rivard, S. (2002). Managing IT outsourcing risk: lessons learned. Springer.
Bahli, B., Rivard, S. (2005). Validating measures of information technology outsourcing risk factors. Omega, 33 (2), 175-187
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Braglia, M., Petroni, A. (2000). A quality assurance-oriented methodology for handling trade-offs in supplier selection. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 30 (2), 96-112.
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Lynch, C. F., Stank, T. P., Scott, S. (2006). Logistics outsourcing. Handbook of Global Supply Chain Management, 370-385.
Mehregan, M., Salami. H. (2011). Presenting a multi-criteria decision making modelfor outsourcing business processes using NA technique. Development & Change Management, Vol. 6.
Pouya, A., Zoaram, A. (2015). Problem solution of supplier selection using combinedmodel of fuzzy delphy analytical hierarchy- Vicor, human resource management researches, 4(4), 23-48.
Quinn, J. B., Hilmer, F. G. (1994). Strategic outsourcing. Sloan management review, 35 (4), 40-54.
Rassafi, A., Vaziri, M. (2007). Assessment Of Modal Transportation Sustainability: Application Of Data Envelopment And Concordance Analyses. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 31 (2), 170-185.
Schniederjans, M. J. (2007). Focused issue on operations research and outsourcing. Computers & Operations Research, 34 (12), 3507-3520
Selim, H., Ozkarahan, I. (2008). A supply chain distribution network design model: an interactive fuzzy goal programming-based solution approach. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36 (3-4), 401-418.
Talluri, S., Narasimhan, R. Nair, A. (2006). Vendor performance with supply risk: A chance-constrained DEA approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 100 (2), 212-222.
Trunick, P. A. (1989). Outsourcing: a single source for many talents. Transportation & Distribution, 30 (7), 20-33.
Van Weele, A. J. (2009). Purchasing and supply chain management: Analysis, strategy, planning and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Weber, C. A. (1996). A data envelopment analysis approach to measuring vendor performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 1 (1), 28-39.
Weber, C. A., Current, J., Desai, A. (2000). An optimization approach to determining the number of vendors to employ. Supply Chain management: An international journal, 5 (2), 90-98.
Yang, D. H., et al. (2007). Developing a decision model for business process outsourcing. Computers & Operations Research, 34 (12), 3769-3778.
Yang, C. C., Chen, B. S. (2006). Supplier selection using combined analytical hierarchy process and grey relational analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 7 (17), 926-941.
Zou, Z., et al. (2011). A rough set based approach to distributor selection in supply chain management. Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (1), 106-115.
Richardson, H. L. (1990). Explore outsourcing. Transportation & Distribution, 31 (7), 17-30.
Zhu, J. (2014). Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking: data envelopment analysis with spreadsheets.
Abdur Razzaque, M., Chen Sheng, C. (1998). Outsourcing of logistics functions: a literature survey. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 28 (2), 89-107.
Adler, P. S. (2003). Making the HR outsourcing decision. MIT Sloan Management Review, 45 (1), 50-65.
Afshar Kazemi, M. A. (2012). selecting portfolio in Tehran Securities and Exchange by combining DEA and GP, financial knowledge of Exchange analysis, 5, 49-63.
Alam Tabriz. A., Saiedy, H., Deilami, M. S. (2011). Using Composed Approach Of Dea And Ahp For Efficiency Evaluation Faculties Of Shahid Beheshti University.
Aubert, B.A., Patry, M., Rivard, S. (2002). Managing IT outsourcing risk: lessons learned. Springer.
Bahli, B., Rivard, S. (2005). Validating measures of information technology outsourcing risk factors. Omega, 33 (2), 175-187
Bayazit, O. (2006). Use of analytic network process in vendor selection decisions. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 13 (5), 566-579.
Blumberg, D. F. (2004). New Strategic Directions in Acquiring and Outsourcing High-Tech Services by Hospitals and Implications for Clinical Engineering Organizations and ISOs A2 - Dyro, Joseph F, in Clinical Engineering Handbook. Academic Press: Burlington. 137-146.
Braglia, M., Petroni, A. (2000). A quality assurance-oriented methodology for handling trade-offs in supplier selection. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 30 (2), 96-112.
Cao, Q., Wang, Q. (2007). Optimizing vendor selection in a two-stage outsourcing process. Computers & operations research, 34 (12), 3757-3768.
Claver, E., et al. (2002). A study of information systems outsourcing influential factors. International Journal of Educational Management, 16 (2), 75-81.
Clott, C. B. (2004). Perspectives on global outsourcing and the changing nature of work. Business and Society Review, 109 (2), 153-170.
Corbett, M. (2004). The outsourcing revolution: Why it makes sense and how to do it right. Dearborn Trade Publishing.
Embleton, P. R., Wright, P. C. (1998). A practical guide to successful outsourcing. Empowerment in Organizations, 6 (3), 94-106.
Ghorbani, M., Arabzad, S. M., Bahrami, M. (2012). Applying a Neural Network algorithm to Distributor selection problem. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 41, 498-505.
Gonzalez, R., Gasco, J., Llopis, J. (2006). Information systems outsourcing: A literature analysis. Information & Management, 43 (7), 821-843.
Hamel, G., Prahalad, C. K. (1990). Corporate imagination and expeditionary marketing. Choi, B.-C. and K. Chung. (2016). Min–max regret version of a scheduling problem with outsourcing decisions under processing time uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 252 (2), 367-375.
Harvard business review, 69 (4), 81-92.
Jung, H., Jeong, B. (2005). Decentralised production-distribution planning system using collaborative agents in supply chain network. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (1-2), 167-173.
Khan, N., et al. (2003). Evaluating offshore IT outsourcing in India: supplier and customer. in System Sciences, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE.
Kakabadse, A., Kakabadse, N. (2003). Outsourcing best practice: transformational and transactional considerations. Knowledge and Process Management, 10 (1), 60-71.
Jennings, D. (2002). Strategic sourcing: benefits, problems and a contextual model. Management decision, 40 (1), 26-34.
Jharkharia, S., Shankar, R. (2007). Selection of logistics service provider: An analytic network process (ANP) approach. Omega, 35 (3), 274-289.
Kakabadse, N. K., Kakabadse, A., Kouzmin, A. (2003). Reviewing the knowledge management literature: towards a taxonomy. Journal of knowledge management, 7 (4), 75-91.
Kamuriwo, D. S., Baden-Fuller, C. (2016). Knowledge integration using product R&D outsourcing in biotechnology. Research Policy, 45 (5), 1031-1045.
Laaribi, A., Chevallier, J. Martel, J. M. (1996). A spatial decision aid: a multicriterion evaluation approach. Computers, environment and urban systems, 20 (6), 351-366.
Lim, S. J., et al. (2006). Hybrid approach to distribution planning reflecting a stochastic supply chain. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28 (5-6), 618-625.
Liu, J., Ding, F. Y., Lall, V. (2000). Using data envelopment analysis to compare suppliers for supplier selection and performance improvement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 5 (3), 143-150.
Lynch, C. F., Stank, T. P., Scott, S. (2006). Logistics outsourcing. Handbook of Global Supply Chain Management, 370-385.
Mehregan, M., Salami. H. (2011). Presenting a multi-criteria decision making modelfor outsourcing business processes using NA technique. Development & Change Management, Vol. 6.
Pouya, A., Zoaram, A. (2015). Problem solution of supplier selection using combinedmodel of fuzzy delphy analytical hierarchy- Vicor, human resource management researches, 4(4), 23-48.
Quinn, J. B., Hilmer, F. G. (1994). Strategic outsourcing. Sloan management review, 35 (4), 40-54.
Rassafi, A., Vaziri, M. (2007). Assessment Of Modal Transportation Sustainability: Application Of Data Envelopment And Concordance Analyses. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 31 (2), 170-185.
Schniederjans, M. J. (2007). Focused issue on operations research and outsourcing. Computers & Operations Research, 34 (12), 3507-3520
Selim, H., Ozkarahan, I. (2008). A supply chain distribution network design model: an interactive fuzzy goal programming-based solution approach. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36 (3-4), 401-418.
Talluri, S., Narasimhan, R. Nair, A. (2006). Vendor performance with supply risk: A chance-constrained DEA approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 100 (2), 212-222.
Trunick, P. A. (1989). Outsourcing: a single source for many talents. Transportation & Distribution, 30 (7), 20-33.
Van Weele, A. J. (2009). Purchasing and supply chain management: Analysis, strategy, planning and practice. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Weber, C. A. (1996). A data envelopment analysis approach to measuring vendor performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 1 (1), 28-39.
Weber, C. A., Current, J., Desai, A. (2000). An optimization approach to determining the number of vendors to employ. Supply Chain management: An international journal, 5 (2), 90-98.
Yang, D. H., et al. (2007). Developing a decision model for business process outsourcing. Computers & Operations Research, 34 (12), 3769-3778.
Yang, C. C., Chen, B. S. (2006). Supplier selection using combined analytical hierarchy process and grey relational analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 7 (17), 926-941.
Zou, Z., et al. (2011). A rough set based approach to distributor selection in supply chain management. Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (1), 106-115.
Richardson, H. L. (1990). Explore outsourcing. Transportation & Distribution, 31 (7), 17-30.
Zhu, J. (2014). Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking: data envelopment analysis with spreadsheets.