Identify and Provide Indicators to Monitor the Process of Maintenance
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementGholamreza Hashemzadeh 1 * , Mehdi Vahedi Azad 2
1 - Assistant Professor in Industrial Management, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - M.A in Industrial Management
Abstract :
Due to the role of the process of maintenance in the production of competitive products by reducing the stop of machines and create a field for most employees, partnership in the guidance and steering this process is essential. It seems that this process, from the perspective of users, can identify the strong points to improve and to upgrade the planning in manufacturing systems, monitoring, and measurement. Currently, industries use some time-based indexes that is not sufficient for monitoring this process. With regard to the importance of this issue, identify and provide indicators which can monitor the process of maintenance are very important. This paper has attempted to provide indicators to assess the quality of maintenance services with emphasize on time and cost factors as control measures. Using historical studies and research and interviews with industry experts, indicators as the control criteria are introduced to assess the level of quality of service maintenance provision. In this research, the proposed indicators affect the quality of the maintenance process are divided into three sections including customer demands, maintenance of process and output indicators. The result of its use in the maintenance process of Pars Khodro Co. showed that the performance of this method to assess the level of quality of maintenance process is effective and useful.
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Some consequences for service firms. Journal of Business Research 44, 5-15.