Risk Assessment and Ranking in Supply Chain Using Taxonomy Method (Case study: Esfahan Steel Company)
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementMohammad Hayati 1 * , Mohammad Ataie 2 , Amir Fardin 3
1 - PhD Student in Mine Excavating Industries, Faculty of Mine, Oil and Geophysics, Shahrood University
2 - Professor in Mining Industries, Faculty of Mine, Oil and Geophysics, Shahrood University
3 - M. A Student in Mine Excavating Industries, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research South Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Nowadays attend to opportunities and threats in the industry and commerce and evaluation ability of industries and corporations envisage to existed risks and uncertainty is necessary and management of supply chain risks is very important. Management of risk is the process of identifying risks, assessment and scheduled for reduction of adverse effects. Risk assessment is one of the most important parts in risk management and according to the many risks and the need to expend optimize resource in the supply chain is very important. Risk assessment and ranking determined the superiority of risk based on relevant criteria and offered the opportunity to provide the appropriate response for each risk. In this paper whit present a comprehensive hierarchical model for risk assessment, identification of the main risks of supply chain based on the risk breakdown structure method and determination of measurements criteria, a comprehensive questionnaire was developed based on the relative importance of each risk in the steel supply chain and discuss the Esfahan Steel Company as a case study using taxonomy method as a multi-criteria decision making, is defined. Therefore, the risk associated with procurement and suppliers as the most critical risks identified in the company.
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