An Investigation on the Impact of the Financial Ratios and Growth Rates on Future Abnormal Stock Returns (Case Study: Iran Khodro Co.)
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Alireza Koushkie Jahromie
Seyed Hassan Abtahie
Hassan Bodleaie
Mehrdad Gholami
1 - PhD Student in Management, Alame Tabatabaie University
2 - Professor of Management Department, Alame Tabatabaie University
3 - PhD Student in Management, Alame Tabatabaie University
4 - M.A in Management & Instructor of Sahahid Satarie Aviation College
Abstract :
Human capitals are the key to success in the knowledge-based economies where competitive advantages are the only distinction between the organizations. In fact, among all the three prominent elements of knowledge management (i.e. Human, Process, Technology), knowledge-based human resources are invaluable in any organization. Hence, human resources, knowledge, and experience should be handled appropriately in a way to have a competitive economy and industry. The present study is aimed at the identification of different prospects of knowledge-based human resources in the Iran Khodro company. Using the Estovart elements including creativity, self-confidence, need for achievement, learning, thinking, self-motivating, flexibility, job mobility and independence, conceptual models were extracted to study the Iran Khodro company systematically. Collecting all the data via questionnaires, the implemented method was based on a survey research. Expert staff in a unit of Iran Khodro Company called Gataat Peresi Production were selected and considered as the statistical set. The entire major and minor hypothesizes were confirmed except independence. In the end, some suggestions for identification, recruitment, maintenance, and actuation of the efficient knowledge-based human capitals were presented to the authorities of the company.