Locate Automated Teller Machines in Mehr Iran Bank by Using a Combination of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques in Fuzzy Environment
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Mehdi Ebrahimi Nejhad Rafsanjani
Seyed Mohammad Moosavi Nadooshan
Marjan Tavasoli Fard
1 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
2 - M.A., Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
3 - M.A., Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran
Received: 2016-05-25
Accepted : 2017-04-17
Published : 2017-05-22
Abstract :
In the recent years, using information technology in Iran industries, mostly in banking, has been increased. Selecting the best site location for Automated Teller Machines (ATM) is also an important Subject for the banking industry. Site locating Sciences have always been searching for new optimization methods to find the best location of their case studies. Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods can be expected that the candidate places satisfy the criteria by their weight ratio. Also, the use of fuzzy logic in decision making has been solved the problem of uncertainty and imprecision in assigning the weight of the criteria. So, the applied research study has been using a combined approach of MCDM in a fuzzy environment to provide a new method in Gharzolhasane Mehr Iran Bank ATMs site locating. Regarding the high costs of locating ATMs, the purpose of this study is to provide a method for selecting the best range of these devices Location to increase efficiency and services. Based on the similar studies, a decision criterion was extracted and weighted with FPM Procedure by using QMB and Banking industry expert’s opinions. Then the Location candidates points were ranked by Fuzzy Graph theory and matrix approach method.
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Almosavi, Mohammad. (2001). Bank selection criteria employed by college student in Bahrain: an empirical analysis, international Journal of Bank Marketing, 19(3), 115-125.
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Goli, Ali., Olfat, Laya., Fookordi, Rahim. 2010. Locate ATMs using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP): Case Study: Keshavarzi Bank of Kerman. Geography and Development Quarterly, 18(2), 93-108.
Jafarnejad Chaghooshi, Ahmad., Fathi, Mohammad Reza., Omidian, Asie., & Karimi Zarchi, Mohammad. (2011). Integration of FPM, fuzzy AHP and ANP Methods in Formulation of Software Industry Strategy: System Group Company. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9), 1232-1247.
Jayaraman, Vaidyanathan., Gupta, R., & Prikul, H. (2003). Selecting Hierarchical Facilities in a Service Operations Environment. European journal of Operation Research, 147(1) 613-628.
Kaufmann, Arnold., & Gupta, Madan. M. (1985). Introduction to fuzzy arithmetic: Theory and applications. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
Kuo, Ming. Shang. (2011). Optimal location selection for an international distribution center by using a new hybrid method. Expert system with application. 38(1), 7208-7221.
Mohaghar, Ali., Fathi, Mohammad. Reza., Kashef, Mojtaba., & Paslarzadeh, Sanam. (2011). Applying GTMA and Fuzzy Shannon’s Entropy for Vendor Selection: a case study. Middle- East journal of scientific research, 9(1), 140-148.
Momeni, Mansoor., Fathi, Mohammad. Reza., & Kashef, Mojtaba. (2011). A fuzzy VIKOR approach for plant location selection. Journal of American Science, 7(9), 766-771.
Moosavi, Naser. (2002). Prioritize and select appropriate locations for banks Farmers using hierarchical analysis technique AHP (Master's Thesis). Tehran University Management School.
Olfat, laya., & Fookordi, Rahim. (2011). Explain the deployment of ATM machines. Journal of Mining Business Management. 5(1), 74-96.
Parks, George. M. (1982). Location: Single and Multiple Facilities. Handbook of Industrial Engineering, Wieley, New York, 10(1) 6-10.
Rao, R.Venkata., & Padmanabhan, K.K. (2007). Rapid Prototyping Process Selection Using Graph Theory and Matrix Approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 194(1-3), 81–88.
Safari, Hossein., Faghih, Alireza., & Fathi, Mohammad. Reza. (2012), Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making method for facility location selection. African Journal of Business Management, 6(1), 206-212.
Sadeghi, Shokoofeh. (2008). Optimal placement of distribution centers in the marketing process Taliya using mathematical methods (Master's Thesis). Tehran University Management School.
Wang, Ling., Chu, Jian., & Wu, Jun. (2007). Selection of optimum maintenance strategies based on a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Int. J. Production Economics, 107(1), 151–163.
Zanjirani, Reza., & Asgari, Nasrin. (2007). Combination of MCDM and covering techniques in a hierarchical model foe facility location: a Case Study. European journal of Operation Research, 176(1), 1839- 1858.