Assessing the Performance of the Organization Using the Combined Approach of Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis and Balanced Scorecard (Case study: Tejarat Bank Branches of Yazd Province)
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Seyed Habibollah Mirghafoori
Ali Morovati
Vahid Namavaran
Fatemeh Zamani
1 - Associate Professor in Production and Operations Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor in Production and Operations Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Master of Science in Industrial Management, Field of Production, Yazd Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Engineering Faculty
4 - Master of Science in Industrial Management, Field of Production, Yazd Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Engineering Faculty
Received: 2013-06-17
Accepted : 2013-10-23
Published : 2019-06-08
Abstract :
In today’s competitive environment in manufacturing and services process, the organizations are confronted with the need to have indicators and patterns for assessing the performance. The balanced scorecard is a successful instrument in implementing the strategic plans of the organization. The present paper aims to evaluate the performance and rank the branches of Tejarat bank in Yazd province based on their efficiency. The balanced scorecard is an appropriate device for designing and measuring the performance in terms of four perspectives including financial, customer, internal process and growth and innovation. This study also intends to use a combining model of BSC and fuzzy data envelopment analysis to evaluate the performance of the branches. This is a descriptive study using field study along with the library, observation and sometimes interview to gather the required information. The findings reveal that among the twenty-six examined branches, 11 branches are efficient. Additionally, the cross efficiency ranking has been used to rank the branches. Finally, the sensitivity analyses demonstrate that ATM has the highest impact on the efficiency of the units followed by the position and the number of employees. On the other hand, the total bank deposits have the least impact on the efficiency of the banks.
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Azar, Adel & Gholamrezaie, D. (2006). Rank in Category national approach to data envelopment analysis (using the human development index). Economic Research of Iran, 27(8), 153-173
Azar, Adel & Safari, S. (2004). DEA approach to modeling excellence. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2,1-31
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Danaeefard, H., & Alwani, S. M., & Azar, A. (2004). Methods of quantitative research in management: a comprehensive approach. Tehran: Saffar Eshraghi publisher
Eilat, H., & Golany, B., & Shtub, A. (2006). Constructing and evaluating balanced portfolios of R&D projects with interactions: A DEA based methodology. European Journal of Operational Research, 172(3), 1018–1039.
Hosseinzadeh lotfi F. and Mansouri B. (2008). The Extended DEA/DA Approach of fuzzy Data'', Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2(30), 1465-1477.
Ibn Rasul, S. A., & Trhany, F., & Lotfi, I. (2007). The balanced scorecard model implementation and development. Performance management national conference.
Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D. P. (2001). The Strategy Focused Organization: Massachusetts. Harvard Business School Press, Boston. Retrieved from
Kaplan, S., & David, N. (1996). Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System, Harvard Business Review, and Jan-Feb.
Khazaei, Amir, Manjiri, Hadi, Samiey, Ebrahim & Najafi, Hossein. (2014). The Effect of Service Convenience on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Responses in Bank Industry. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 3(31):16-23.
Khodaee, S. (2008). Performance evaluation of social insurance branch of Tehran province using a hybrid approach to fuzzy data analysis and balanced scorecard ignore (Bachelor Thesis). University of Tehran.
Robert S, K., & David P, N. (2008). Strategy-driven organization.)Translation: Parviz Bakhtiyari, Seventh Edition) Tehran, Industrial Management Publishing.
Shahriari, S. (2002). Presented a fuzzy DEA model to evaluate the relative performance of the Humanities Faculty (MA dissertation). Tehran University.
Wang, Y. M., & Greatbanks, R., & Yang, J. B. (2005). Interval efficiency assessment using data envelopment analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 153(3), 347–370.
Wu, D, Yang, Z., & Liang, L. (2006). Efficiency analysis of cross-region bank branches using fuzzy data envelopment analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 181(1), 271–281.
Yao, Y.Y.& Zhao, Y. & Maguire, R.B. (2003). Explanation oriented association mining using a combination of unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Zadeh, L.A. (1973). The Concept of a Linguistic Variable and its Application to Approximate Reasoning, Memorandum ERL-M 411 Berkeley.