The Role of Information Technology in Designing and Implementing Knowledge Management in Telecommunication based on Fuzzy AHP Technique
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementDavod Khosroanjom 1 * , Shaban Elahi 2 , Rasoul Chawshini 3 , Ali Shayan 4
1 - Corresponding Author, Master of Information Technology Management/
Islamic Azad University (IAU), Piranshahr Branch, Piranshahr, Iran
2 - Associated Professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
3 - M.A Student in M.B.A, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch
4 - PhD Student in I.T Policy, Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract :
Information technology enables knowledge management to integrate management's thoughts to computer applications and various computations in order to improve systems. Whereas in most organizations – especially telecommunication – this process is not systematic. This paper is using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to study information technology roles in designing and implementing knowledge management in telecommunication organization in systematic insight. Since various and multiple dimensions involved in the research, a decision-making approach is required to evaluate complicated issues. Fuzzy analytic hierarchical process method enables eliminating and handling the data uncertainty and ambiguity. The research results show that communicating and participating technologies are important motives in designing and implementing knowledge management systems. Hence, collaborative intranets and the interactions between experts and knowledge workers are core indicators which affect information technology role in designing and implementing knowledge management systems.