Studying Deliberate Learning Mechanisms to Stimulate Strategic Innovation Capacity
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Rezavan Sabzeali
1 - M.A Graduated, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
Received: 2018-01-06
Accepted : 2018-01-06
Published : 2014-12-22
Abstract :
After reviewing the relevant literature that took place on strategic innovation capacity of a firm foundation of knowledge was revealed that researchers focus on the process and the network knowledge and emphasis is less on overall strategic approach. Structural studies and background information, the authors reinterpret capacity from a cognitive perspective stimulate and suggests that the mechanism can surround certain functions to detect deliberate re-integrate and exploit new ways to affect pricing. After analyzing the data using structural equation modeling techniques, deliberate learning mechanisms for recognition of strategic innovation capacity is not confirmed but the positive impact of deliberate learning mechanisms for the capture and exploitation of strategic innovation capacity has been approved.
Abernathy, W.J., Clark, K.B. (1985). Innovation: mapping the winds of creative destruction, Research Policy 14, 3-22.
Ahuja, G., Katila, R., (2004). Where do resources come from? The role of Idiosyncratic situations. Strategic Management Journal 25 (8/9), 887-907.
Akg€un, A.E., Byrne, J.C., Lynn, G.S., Keksin, H. (2007). Organizational unlearning as changes in beliefs and routines in organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management 20, 794-812.
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Arbussa, A., Coenders, G. (2007). Innovation activities, use of appropriation instruments and absorptive capacity: evidence from Spanish firms. Research Policy 36, 1545-1558.
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Baker, W.E., Sinkula, J.M.( 2007) Does market orientation facilitate balanced innovation programs? An organizational learning perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management 24, 316-334.
Barkema, H.G., Schijven, M. (2008). How do firms learn to make acquisitions? A review of past research and an agenda for the future. Journal of Management 34, 594-634.
Barr, P.S., Stimpert, J.L., Huff, A.S. (1992). Cognitive change, strategic action, and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal 13, 15-36.
Bettis, R.A., Wong, S.-S. (2003). Dominant logic, knowledge creation, and managerial choice. In:Easterby- Smith, M., Lyles, M.A. (Eds.), The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, pp. 343-355.
Birkinshaw, J., Hamel, G., Mol, M.J. (2008). Management innovation. Academy of Management Review 33, 825-845.
Byrne M.B. ( 1994) Structural equation modeling with EQS and EQS/WINDOWS ; sage publications
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Jansen, J.J.P., Van den Bosch, F.A. J., Volberda, H.W.(2005) Managing potential and realized absorptive capacity: how do organizational antecedent’s matter? Academy of Management Journal 48, 999-1015.
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Narasimhan, O., Rajiv, S., Dutta, S. (2006). Absorptive capacity in high technology markets: the competitive advantage of the haves. Marketing Science 25, 510-524.
Nembhard, I.M., Tucker, A.L. (2011). Deliberate learning to improve performance in dynamic service settings: evidence from hospital intensive care units. Organization Science 22, 907-922.
Prahalad, C.K.(2004) The blinders of dominant logic. Long Range Planning 37, 171-179.
Prahalad, C.K., Bettis, R.A. (1995). The dominant logic: retrospective and extension. Strategic Management Journal 16, 5-14.
Romme, A.G.L., Zollo, M., Berends, P. (2010). Dynamic capabilities, deliberate learning and environmental dynamism: a simulation model. Industrial and Corporate Change 19, 1271-1299.
Schmidt, G.M., Druehl, C.T.(2008) When is a disruptive innovation disruptive? Journal of Product Innovation Management 25, 347-369.
Schrey€ogg, G., Kliesch-Eberl, M. (2007). How dynamic can organizational capabilities be? Towards a dualprocess model of capability dynamization. Strategic Management Journal 28, 913-933.
Sidhu, J.S., Commandeur, H.R., Volberda, H.W. (2007). The multifaceted nature of exploration and exploitation: value of supply, demand, and spatial search for innovation. Organization Science 18, 20-38.
Sinkula, J.M.( 2002) Market-based success, organizational routines, and unlearning. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 17, 253-269.
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Spender, J.C.( 1989) Industry Recipes: An Inquiry into the Nature and Sources of Managerial Judgment. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
Spithoven, A., Clarysse, B., Knockaert, M.(2010) Building absorptive capacity to organize inbound open innovation in traditional industries. Technovation 30, 130-141.
Szulanski, G.( 1996) Exploring internal stickiness: impediments to the transfer of best practices within the firm. Strategic Management Journal 22, 27-44.
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Teece, D.J., Pisano, G., Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal 18, 509-533.
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Van den Bosch, F.A.J., Volberda, H.W., de Boer, M. (1999) Coevolution of firm absorptive capacity and knowledge environment: organizational forms and combinative capabilities. Organization Science 10, 521-568.
Volberda, H., Foss, N.J., Lyles, M.A. (2010). Absorbing the concept of absorptive capacity: how to realize its potential in the organization field. Organization Science 21, 931-951.
Von Krogh, G., Erat, P., Macus, M. (2000). Exploring the link between dominant logic and company performance. Creativity and Innovation Management 9, 82-93.
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Zahra, S.A., George, G. (2002). Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization , and extension. Academy of Management Review 27, 185-203.
Zahra, S.A., Hayton, J.C. (2008). The effect of international venturing on firm performance: the moderating influence of absorptive capacity. Journal of Business Venturing 23, 195-220.
Zander, I., Zander, U. (2005). The inside track: on the important (but neglected) role of customers in the resource-based view of strategy and firm growth. Journal of Management Studies 42, 1519-1548.
Zollo, M., Singh, H. (2004) Deliberate learning in corporate acquisitions: post-acquisition strategies and integration capability in US bank mergers. Strategic Management Journal 25, 1233-1256.
Zollo, M., Winter, S.G.( 2002) Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities. Organization Science 13, 339-351.
Abernathy, W.J., Clark, K.B. (1985). Innovation: mapping the winds of creative destruction, Research Policy 14, 3-22.
Ahuja, G., Katila, R., (2004). Where do resources come from? The role of Idiosyncratic situations. Strategic Management Journal 25 (8/9), 887-907.
Akg€un, A.E., Byrne, J.C., Lynn, G.S., Keksin, H. (2007). Organizational unlearning as changes in beliefs and routines in organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management 20, 794-812.
Anderson, J., Markides, C. (2007). Strategic innovation at the base of the pyramid. MIT Sloan Management Review 49, 83-88.
Arbussa, A., Coenders, G. (2007). Innovation activities, use of appropriation instruments and absorptive capacity: evidence from Spanish firms. Research Policy 36, 1545-1558.
Arthur, J.B., Huntley, C.L. (2005).Ramping up the organizational learning curve: assessing the impact of deliberate learning on organizational performance under gainsharing. Academy of Management Journal 48, 1159-1170.
Baden-Fuller, C., Stopford, J.M. (1994). Rejuvenating the Mature Business: The Competitive Challenge. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Baker, W.E., Sinkula, J.M.( 2007) Does market orientation facilitate balanced innovation programs? An organizational learning perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management 24, 316-334.
Barkema, H.G., Schijven, M. (2008). How do firms learn to make acquisitions? A review of past research and an agenda for the future. Journal of Management 34, 594-634.
Barr, P.S., Stimpert, J.L., Huff, A.S. (1992). Cognitive change, strategic action, and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal 13, 15-36.
Bettis, R.A., Wong, S.-S. (2003). Dominant logic, knowledge creation, and managerial choice. In:Easterby- Smith, M., Lyles, M.A. (Eds.), The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, pp. 343-355.
Birkinshaw, J., Hamel, G., Mol, M.J. (2008). Management innovation. Academy of Management Review 33, 825-845.
Byrne M.B. ( 1994) Structural equation modeling with EQS and EQS/WINDOWS ; sage publications
Camison, C., Fores, B. (2010).Knowledge absorptive capacity: new insights for its conceptualization and measurement. Journal of Business Research 63, 707-715.
Chesbrough, H.( 2010 ) Business model innovation: opportunities and barriers. Long Range Planning 43, 354-363.
Christensen, C.M. (1997). Making strategy: learning by doing. Harvard Business Review 75, 141-156.
Cohen, W.M., Levinthal, D.A. (1990). Absorptive capacity: a new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 35, 128-152.
Daft, R.L., Weick, K.E. (1984). Toward a model of organizations as interpretation systems. Academy of Management Review 9, 284-295.
Danneels, E. (2003). Tight-loose coupling with customers: the enactment of a customer orientation. Strategic Management Journal 24, 559-576.
Danneels, E. (2008). Organizational antecedents of second-order competences. Strategic Management Journal 29, 519-543.
Day, G.S.( 2002) Managing the market learning process. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 17, 240-252.
De Luca, L.M., Atuahene-Gina, K. (2007). Market knowledge dimensions and cross functional collaboration: examining the different routes to product innovation performance. Journal of Marketing 71, 95-112.
Deneault, D., Gatignon, H.( 2000) An Evolutionary Theory of Firm Orientation: From its Behavioral to its Strategic Manifestations, Working paper No. 2000/09/MKT, INSEAD Working Paper Series, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France.
Easterby-Smith, M., Grac¸a, M., Antonacopoulou, E., Ferdinand, J. (2008). Absorptive capacity: a process perspective. Management Learning 39, 483-501.
Easterby-Smith, M., Prieto, I.M. (2007). Dynamic capabilities and knowledge management: an integrative role for learning? British Journal of Management 19, 235-249.
Eisenhardt, K.M., Martin, J.A.(2000). Dynamic capabilities: what are they? Strategic Management Journal 21, 1105-1121.
Gioia, D.A., Chittipeddi, K. (1991). Sensemaking and sense giving in strategic change initiation. Strategic Management Journal 12, 433-448.
Govindarajan, V., Gupta, A.K. (2001). Strategic innovation: a conceptual roadmap. Business Horizons 44, 3-12.
Govindarajan, V., Kopalle, P.K.( 2006) Disruptiveness of innovations: measurement and an assessment of reliability and validity. Strategic Management Journal 27, 189-199.
Govindarajan, V., Trimble, C. (2005). Organizational DNA for strategic innovation. California Management Review 47, 47-76.
Grant, R.( 1996) Prospering in dynamically-competitive environments: organizational capability as knowledge integration. Organization Science 7, 375-387.
Gunther McGrawth, R. (2010). Business models: a discovery driven approach. Long Range Planning 43 (2e3), 247-261.
Hamel, G., V€alikangas, L. (2003). The quest for resilience. Harvard Business Review 81, 52-63.
Henderson, R.M., Clark, K.B. (1990). Architectural innovation: the reconfiguration of existing product technologies and the failure of established firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 35, 9-30.
Jansen, J.J.P., Van den Bosch, F.A. J., Volberda, H.W.(2005) Managing potential and realized absorptive capacity: how do organizational antecedent’s matter? Academy of Management Journal 48, 999-1015.
Karim, S., Mitchell, W. (2004). Innovating through acquisition and internal development. Long Range Planning 37, 525-547.
Kim, W.C., Mauborgne, R. ( 1999 ) Creating new market space. Harvard Business Review 77, 83-93.
Lane, P.J., Koka, B.R., Pathak, S.) 2006. (The reification of absorptive capacity: a critical review and rejuvenation of the construct. Academy of Management Review 31, 833-863.
Lane, P.J., Lubatkin, M. (1998). Relative absorptive capacity and inter-organizational learning. Strategic Management Journal 19, 461-477.
Lenox, M., King, A. (2004). Prospectfor developing absorptive capacity through internal information provision. Strategic Management Journal 25, 331-345.
Levy, F.( 1965) Adaptation in the production process. Management Science 11, 136-154.
Liao, J., Welsh, H., Stoica, M. (2003). Organizational absorptive capacity and responsiveness: an empirical investigation of growth-oriented SMEs. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 28, 63-85.
Marinova, D. (2004). Actualizing innovation effort: the impact of market knowledge diffusion in a dynamic system of competition. Journal of Marketing 68, 1-20.
Markides, C. (2006). Strategic innovation: in need of better theory. Journal of Product Innovation Management23, 19-25.
Midgley, D.( 2009) The Innovation Manual: Integrated Strategies and Practical Tools for Bringing Value Innovation to the Market. John Wiley, Sons, Chichester, UK.
Narasimhan, O., Rajiv, S., Dutta, S. (2006). Absorptive capacity in high technology markets: the competitive advantage of the haves. Marketing Science 25, 510-524.
Nembhard, I.M., Tucker, A.L. (2011). Deliberate learning to improve performance in dynamic service settings: evidence from hospital intensive care units. Organization Science 22, 907-922.
Prahalad, C.K.(2004) The blinders of dominant logic. Long Range Planning 37, 171-179.
Prahalad, C.K., Bettis, R.A. (1995). The dominant logic: retrospective and extension. Strategic Management Journal 16, 5-14.
Romme, A.G.L., Zollo, M., Berends, P. (2010). Dynamic capabilities, deliberate learning and environmental dynamism: a simulation model. Industrial and Corporate Change 19, 1271-1299.
Schmidt, G.M., Druehl, C.T.(2008) When is a disruptive innovation disruptive? Journal of Product Innovation Management 25, 347-369.
Schrey€ogg, G., Kliesch-Eberl, M. (2007). How dynamic can organizational capabilities be? Towards a dualprocess model of capability dynamization. Strategic Management Journal 28, 913-933.
Sidhu, J.S., Commandeur, H.R., Volberda, H.W. (2007). The multifaceted nature of exploration and exploitation: value of supply, demand, and spatial search for innovation. Organization Science 18, 20-38.
Sinkula, J.M.( 2002) Market-based success, organizational routines, and unlearning. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 17, 253-269.
Sosna, M., Trevinyo-Rodriguez, R.N., Ramakrishna Velamuri, S. (2010). Business model innovation through trial-and-error learning: the Naturhouse case. Long Range Planning 43, 383-407.
Spender, J.C.( 1989) Industry Recipes: An Inquiry into the Nature and Sources of Managerial Judgment. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
Spithoven, A., Clarysse, B., Knockaert, M.(2010) Building absorptive capacity to organize inbound open innovation in traditional industries. Technovation 30, 130-141.
Szulanski, G.( 1996) Exploring internal stickiness: impediments to the transfer of best practices within the firm. Strategic Management Journal 22, 27-44.
Teece, D.J.( 2010) Business models, business strategy and innovation. Long Range Planning 43, 172-194.
Teece, D.J., Pisano, G., Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal 18, 509-533.
Tsai, W.( 2001) Knowledge transfer in intra-organizational networks: effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance. Academy of Management Journal 44, 996-1004.
Tuominen, M., Rajala, A., M€oller, K. (2004). Market-driving versus market-driven: divergent roles of market orientation in business relationships. Industrial Marketing Management 33, 207-217.
Van den Bosch, F.A.J., Volberda, H.W., de Boer, M. (1999) Coevolution of firm absorptive capacity and knowledge environment: organizational forms and combinative capabilities. Organization Science 10, 521-568.
Volberda, H., Foss, N.J., Lyles, M.A. (2010). Absorbing the concept of absorptive capacity: how to realize its potential in the organization field. Organization Science 21, 931-951.
Von Krogh, G., Erat, P., Macus, M. (2000). Exploring the link between dominant logic and company performance. Creativity and Innovation Management 9, 82-93.
Wilden, R., Gudergan, S., Nielsen, B., Lings, I. (2012). Dynamic capabilities and performance: strategy, structure and environment. Long Range Planning.
Winter, S.G. (2003). Understanding dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Journal 24, 991-995.
Yu, D., Hang, C.C. (2010). A reflective review of disruptive innovation theory. International Journal of Management Reviews 12, 435-452.
Zahra, S.A., George, G. (2002). Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization , and extension. Academy of Management Review 27, 185-203.
Zahra, S.A., Hayton, J.C. (2008). The effect of international venturing on firm performance: the moderating influence of absorptive capacity. Journal of Business Venturing 23, 195-220.
Zander, I., Zander, U. (2005). The inside track: on the important (but neglected) role of customers in the resource-based view of strategy and firm growth. Journal of Management Studies 42, 1519-1548.
Zollo, M., Singh, H. (2004) Deliberate learning in corporate acquisitions: post-acquisition strategies and integration capability in US bank mergers. Strategic Management Journal 25, 1233-1256.
Zollo, M., Winter, S.G.( 2002) Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities. Organization Science 13, 339-351.