Evaluation of the Quality of the Production Process with X-R type Control Charts and Capability of the Production Process
(Case Study: International Company of Ilam Cement)
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Mohammad Bagher Rasouleh Vandi
Mehdi Zangeneh
1 - PhD Student in Industrial Management, Lecturer, Ilam branch, Islamic Azad University, Illam, Iran
2 - MA in Accounting, Lecturer, Ilam branch, Islamic Azad University, Illam, Iran
Received: 2014-07-17
Accepted : 2014-10-14
Published : 2015-04-09
Abstract :
The main purpose of this paper is to estimate the process quality estimation by using control charts type X-R and quality capability of the process. The population of research was 170 senior executives, middle managers, quality control, and support staff from Ilam cement manufacturing International Corporation. Using Cochran formula, 118 subjects were selected out of the total number of the population. Using multiple linear regression, random selection of the population was done. Then, the collected data, which was collected by using a standardized questionnaire were analyzed by using Spss software. Results showed that the type of material and equipment will affect the charts, but operators and technicians in the production process cannot affect the graphs. Also, the result showed that such factors as the customers and market, operational conditions, sampling are affecting the capability of the production process.
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Taghizadeh H., Tari, GH& Musavi S.R. (2007). Exaltation of organizational entrepreneurship (case study). MANAGEMENT SIENCE. 3,155-180.
Teyarachakul, S.,& Chand,S., & Tang, J.(2007).Estimating the limits for statistical process control charts: A direct method improving upon the bootstrap. European Journal of Operational Research, 178,472-481.
Wu, chien-Wei.(2008). Assessing process capability based on Bayesian approach with subsamples. European Journal of Operational Research, 184,207-228.
Zaremehrjerdi, E. (1995). Guideline Quality control Guideline. Imam Reza press, 87. (Ttanslated to Persian).
Zainali, J. (1997) .The investigation of Design and Development a system Quality control in integration in the unit industry (M. A dissertation).Tehran university.