The Effect of the Content of the Structural Aspects in the Design of the Organizational Structure of Tejarat bank Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementDavod Khosroanjom 1 * , Ameneh Khadivar 2 , Shaghaygh Tavakoli 3
1 - Expert of organizing and banking regulation of the Tejarat bank.Ph.D.Candidte in Industrial Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Management, Department of Alzahra University
3 - Senior expert of organizing and banking regulation of the Tejarat bank.Ph.D. in Management, Allame Tabatebaei University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Due to continuous changes in business environment, constraints in achieving profit, and severe competition among banks and credit and financial institutions, there is an increasing need for congruity between goals, strategies, and structures. From structure designing viewpoint, therefore, the proper channel must be provided for harmony and Standardization of structures with organization’s environment and strategies. This study is set out to analyze organization’s structural aspects using FAHP and examines the effect of substantive aspects including strategies, environment, and technology on structural aspects. Due to severalty in indexes and complexity in decisions, FAHP method is used. Results show that concentration is the most important factor in designing organizational structures and formality is the least important one. We also concluded that environment index is the most important factor.
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_||_1. A'rabi. S.M. (2011).organizational structure design. Tehran. Cultural Research Bureau.
2. Arora, Fosfuri, & Rønde.(2013).Managing licensing in a market for technology. Manag. Sci.59(5),1092–1106.
3. Alonso, Dessein, & Matouschek. (2008). Centralization versus decentralization: An application to price setting by a multi-market firm. J. Eur. Econ. Assoc, 6 (2–3),457–467.
4. Ayers, Dahlstrom, & Skinner. (1997). An exploratory investigation of organizational antecedents to new product success. Journal of Marketing Research, 34(1),107–116.
5. Chang, DY. (1996). Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP. European Journal of Operational Research. 95(3), 649-655.
6.Clegg,SR, Cunha,JVda, & Cunha. (2002). Management paradoxes: A relational view. Human Relations. 55, 483–503.
7. Daft, R.(2015). Organization Theory & Design.Translated By: Parsyan, A. & A'rabi, S.M. Tehran. Cultural Research Bureau.
8. Dyer, & Song, X.M. (1998). Innovation strategy and sanctioned conflict: A new edge in innovation? Journal of Product Innovation Management. 15:6. 505–519.
9. Fry, louis & John, Slocum (1984). Technology, structure and workgroup effectiveness. Academy of management journal. 27:2.
10. Fu, H. P, Chao, Chang, T. H., & Chang, Y. S. (2008). The impact of market freedom on the adoption of third-party electronic marketplaces: A fuzzy AHP analysis. Industrial Marketing Management. 37, 698–712.
11. Hatch.M. (2006).Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives. Translated By: Danaeifard,H. Tehran. afkar Publishers.
12.Horwitz, Frank & Mark, Nevilla. (1996). Organization Design for service excellence. Human Resource Management.35,4.
13. Jamshidi,A. (2008).The impact of content on the structural aspects of designing organizational structure (Case Study: The government suspended). Noor'Pece.6.
14. Kim, B. & Park,K.S. (2016). Organizational structure of a global supply chain in the presence of a gray market: Information a symmetry and valuation difference. Int. J. Production Economics.175.71–80.
15. Král,P. & Králová,V. (2016). Approaches to changing organizational structure: The effect of drivers and communication. Journal of Business Research. 69.5169–5174.
16. Laarhoven, V. P.J.M. & Pedrycz. (1983). A fuzzy extension of Saaty’s priority theory. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 11, 229-241.
17. McEvily, B., Soda, G., & Tortoriello, M. (2014). More formally: Rediscovering the missing link between formal organization and informal social structure. The Academy of Management Annals. 8(1), 299–345.
18.Perçin, S. (2008). Use of fuzzy AHP for evaluating the benefits of information-sharing decisions in a supply chain. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 21(3), 263-284.
19.Powell, W.W.,& DiMaggio, P.J.(Eds.). (2012). The new institutionalism in organizational analysis. University of Chicago Press.
20.Rezazadeh, H. (2003).The relationship between organizational structure and corporate entrepreneurship (Case Study: Tehran Social Security Administration). Master's Thesis. University of Tehran.
21.Rezaian, A. (2015). Foundations of Organization & Management. Tehran. SAMT Publishers.
22.Robbins, S.(2011). Organization Theory. Translated By: Alvani, M. & Danaeifard, H. Tehran. Saffar Publishers.
23.Saaty, T.L. (1990). The Analytic Hierarchy Process. McGraw-Hill. RWS Publications. Pittsburgh. PA.
24. Strese, S., Meuer, M.W., Flatten, T.C., & Brettel,M. (2016). Organizational antecedents of cross-functional coopetition: The impact of leadership and organizational structure on cross-functional coopetition. Industrial Marketing Management. 53, 42-55.
25. Taylor, A. (2010). The next generation: Technology adoption and integration through internal competition in new product development. Organization Science. 21(1), 23–41.
26. Wilden, R., Gudergan, S. P., Nielsen, B. B., & Lings, I. (2013). Dynamic capabilities and performance: Strategy, structure and environment. Long Range Planning. 46,(1/2),72–96.
27. Zhu, K.J., Jing, Y., &. D.Y.Chang. (1999). A discussion on extent analysis method and applications of fuzzy AHP. European Journal of Operational Research. 116(2), 450-456.