The Relationship between Employees knowledge Management and Construction Projects Performance in Iran
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementSeyed Heidar Mirfakhr Aldini 1 * , Ali Reza Naser Sadrabadi 2 , Mehrdad Morad 3
1 - Assistant Professor of Management, Yazd State University
2 - Assistant Professor of Management, Yazd State University
3 - i
M.A Student in Industrial Management, Jahad Daneshgahi Institute of Yazd
Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between employees knowledge management and construction projects performance in Iran. The purpose of the study and collecting data determined the methodology of the research as a survey. Data were collected with a questioner and confirmatory and exploratory analysis methods were used to analyze the obtained data by using SPSS 17 and Lisrel 8.5. The construction consultant companies whose names are listed in their association website have been considered as the society of the research. Using the sampling formula, the number of samples was extracted to 246 samples from which 192 responses were received. The results of the research show that there is a positive relationship between employees’ knowledge and construction projects performance. Therefore, knowledge management can lead to construction projects success.