Selecting the Best Integrated Dynamic Performance System On the Base of BSC and F.MADM
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementHamed Karimi Shirazi 1 * , Mahmoud Modiri 2
1 - M.S in Industrial Management
2 - Department of Management, Tehran-South Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
In a production collection, nowadays the Performance Measurement of an organization has an important role in achieving to their efficiency and effectiveness on order to competing in current dynamic environment. In this view, the key indicators of the integrated dynamic performance measurement in a competitive environment are considered as a necessary and unavoidable case. In this paper, considering the affective indicators of dynamic Performance to approach BSC in industry, we focus on the problem that how we can provide a mathematical and hierarchical affective model so that it has sufficient answers in the conditions of uncertainty in the fuzzy technics of AHP and TOPSIS; its aim is to recognizing and prioritize the effective indicators related to dynamic performance evaluation on the base of BSC with approach F.MADM in order to prioritize a set of dynamic indicators to increasing competitive power in industry. In order to determine the indicators, hierarchical tree of deceiving compiled during the sessions with the organization's experts. The statistical sample of the research includes experts and directors of the strategic area. Since these indicators used to prioritizing the decision tree indicators are considered as vocal variables, collecting the data is performed by questionnaire in a fuzzy way; so the multiple attribute decision making is fuzzy. The paper is an applied one and in the form of descriptive-measurable researches and it has a field importance; the solving approach of problems is in the type of mathematical modeling and the hierarchy of decision making of some group indicators is fuzzy. The results of analyzing the prioritizing of the factors and their grading by the two technics show that the indicator of expense, delivery time and quality can help to programmers a director of the organization in order to make long-term decisions for competition. There are also positive and strong coordination between the results of the validity of the answers of the two technics for dynamic performance evaluation of six alternatives. The fuzzy logic is used in order to design a way increasing the measurement of the occurrence of each performance indicator and the validity of the evaluation and programming process is performed in the content of EXCEL.
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