Ranking of Technological Innovation’s Collaborations Indicators in National Petrochemical Company (NPC) of Iran
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementJamshid Nazemi 1 * , Yaser Ghasemi Nezhad 2 * , Seyed Reza Salami 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD Student of Emam Hosein University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Management, University of Allameh Tabataba'i, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract :
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Angle, D. P. (2002). Inter-firm Collaboration and Technology Development Partnerships
Within US Manufacturing Industries. Regional Studies , 333–344.
2. Archibugia, D., & Lundvall, B. (2001). The Globalizing Learning Economy, Oxford
University Press.
3. Archibugia, D., & Pietrobelli, C. (2003). The globalization of technology and its
implications for developing countries Windows of opportunity or further burden?
Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 861-883.
4. Cagliano, R., Chiesa, V., & Manzini, R. (2000). Differences and similarities in managing
technological collaborations in research, development and manufacturing: a case study.
Engineering and Technology Management, 193–224.
5. Dodgson, M. (1992). The future for technological collaboration. Futures, 459-470.
6. Drejer, A. (2000). Organizational learning and competence development. The learning
organization, 206- 220.
7. Duysters, G., & Lokshin, B. (2011). Determinants of alliance portfolio complexity and its
effect on innovative performance of companies. Journal of Product Innovation Management,
28(4): 570–585.
8. Enright, M. (1996). Regional Clusters and Economic Development: A Research Agenda.
Business Networks. Prospects for Regional Development, DeGruyter, New York.
9. Khalil, T. (2005). Technology Management. Translated by Bagheri,K. Matn Press: 275.
10. Lewis, J. I. (2007). Technology Acquisition and Innovation in the Developing World:
Wind Turbine Development in China and India. Springer Science + Business Media: 208–
11. Mowery, C., David. (1998). The relationship between intrafirm and contractual forms of
industrial research in American manufacturing. Explorations in Economic history, 351–374.
12. Narula, R. (2004). R&D collaboration by SMEs: new opportunities and limitations in the
face of globalization . Tec novation 24 , 153-161.
13. National Science Foundation. (2002). Science and Engineering Indicators, National
Science Board, Washington, DC.
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14. Negahban, E. (2004). Research Method Guide in Aid of SPSS Questionnaire. Jahad
Daneshgahi Press: 80.
15. Pisano, G. P., Russo, M. V., & Teece, D. C. (1988). Joint ventures and collaborative
arrangements in the telecommunications equipment industry. In D. C. Mowery (Ed.),
International collaborative ventures in U.S. manufacturing: 23–70. Cambridge, MA:
16. Pole, K. (2002). Easy Guide to Factor Analysis. Translated by Minaee. Tehran: Samt
17. Rogers, M. (2004). Networks, firm size and innovation. Small Business Economics,141-
18. Sampson, R. C. (2005). Experience R&D alliances and firm performance: The impact of
technological diversity and alliance organization on innovation. Academy of Management
Journal, 26:1009–1031.
19. Tsai, K. H., & Wang, J., C. (2009). External technology sourcing and innovation
performance in LMT sectors. Research Policy, 518–526.
20. UNCTAD. (2001). World Investment Report, Promoting Linkages, United Nations, New
York and Geneva.
21. Williamson, O., E. (1975). Markets and Hierarchies. New York: Free Press.