Optimization of supply chain costs considering quality and order duration
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Salahuddin Ghasimi
puria Fakhri
Jahedeh Tekiyekhah
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - M.S in Industrial Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Academic Center for Education, Culture, and Research (ACECR)
Received: 2022-08-15
Accepted : 2023-02-05
Published : 2023-02-20
Supply Chain,
Mathematical Modeling,
order duration,
Abstract :
In today's era, due to the competitive of the market, the concern of producers is to capture more of the market share, for this, customer satisfaction is a priority. By examining previous studies, quality, cost, and delivery time factors play an important role in customer satisfaction. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it can be very useful to provide a mathematical model to optimize the costs of the supply chain, taking into account the quality and time of the order. In this research, a comprehensive mathematical model has been presented, which includes costs related to the supply chain network, including: production costs, transportation, warranty, rework of defective products, storage of raw materials and products, scrap, as well as costs caused by the increase It minimizes the order time and quality costs. Games optimizer software was used to solve the proposed model. The results showed that with the increase in quality, the total costs and also the length of the order decreased. Also, for the purpose of validation, the proposed model was implemented in Bakhtar Cable Company for ACSR MINK product in 5 periods. The results obtained from the implementation of this model in the mentioned company showed that by using this model, the company's costs were reduced by 6.7%.
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Li, S., Rao, S. S., Ragu-Nathan, T. S., & Ragu-Nathan, B. (2005). Development and validation of a measurement instrument for studying supply chain management practices. Journal of operations management, 23(6), 618-641.
Nazemi, , Usefinejad, M., & Ghafari, M., (2017). solving a three-level supply chain model with the aim of increasing quality and reducing possible delivery time. Journal of engineering management and soft computing, 3(1), 31-63.
Robinson, C. J., & Malhotra, M. K. (2005). Defining the concept of supply chain quality management and its relevance to academic and industrial practice. International journal of production economics, 96(3), 315-337.
Tabrizi, S., Ahmadi, A., & Karimi, A. (2012). Modeling the supply chain of warm-water farmed fish in Iran with an integrated logistics approach. The 9th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran Industrial Engineering Association, Khwaja Nasiruddin Toosi University of Technology.
Vanichchinchai, A., & Igel, B. (2009). Total quality management and supply chain management: similarities and differences. The TQM Journal, 21(3), 249-260.
Dai, Y., Zhou, S. X., & Xu, Y. (2012). Competitive and collaborative quality and warranty management in supply chains. Production and Operations management, 21(1), 129-144.
Chien, Y. H. (2019). Optimal periodic replacement policy for a GPP repairable product under the free-repair warranty. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 16(3), 347-354.
Wu, X., Nie, L., Xu, M., & Yan, F. (2018). A perishable food supply chain problem considering demand uncertainty and time deadline constraints: Modeling and application to a high-speed railway catering service. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 111, 186-209.