Determining the effective factors in the priorities of maintenance strategies by combining factor analysis and ahp methods (Case study: East Azerbaijan Water and Sewerage Company)
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Somayeh Fakhimi Hossein Zad
Yagoub Alavi Matin
Suleiman Iranzadeh
1 - PhD Candidate in industrial management, majoring in industrial strategy, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Hierarchical Analysis, Maintenance Strategy,
Abstract :
Choosing the right strategy for maintenance and repairs in an equipment-oriented organization is very important and has a direct impact on productivity, profitability and cost. Maintenance and repairs play an important role in maintaining the reliability of production quality, reducing waste, reducing risk, increasing efficiency and increasing joint satisfaction, etc. Among the most important strategies of maintenance and repairs, we can mention the corrective and preventive maintenance and repairs based on condition and reliability, which according to the situation and environmental conditions, the application of each one has advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this article is to provide a general method for choosing the best strategy for maintenance and repairs in equipment-oriented organizations such as water and sewage. It has been tried to use the method of confirmatory factor analysis to model the structural equations of least partial squares, the factors affecting the choice of maintenance and repairs strategy by expert questionnaire and SMSRT PLS software, which is a useful software for the modeling of structural equations of least partial squares, have been investigated and confirmed factors. In order to prioritize the four maintenance strategies of preventive, predictive, corrective and based on reliability by AHP technique, which process requires breaking the decision problem with several indicators into a hierarchy of levels, it should be used in EXPERT CHOISE software. The results of this analysis have determined the first priority of using the method of preventive maintenance and repairs to advance the goals of maintaining the company's critical equipment.
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