Identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the formulation of entrepreneurial policy (Case study: Sepah Bank)
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementMohsen Daraei ghadikolaei 1 , Ali Mehdizadeh Ashrafi 2 * , Toroj Mojibi Mikalaei 3 , Farshad Haj Alian 4
1 - 1. PhD Student in Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Iran
2 - Department of Management,,Faculty of Humanities,,Islamic Azad University,Firoozkooh Branch, Firoozkooh , Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch,
4 - 4. Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Iran.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Policy Factors, Sepah Bank, fuzzy hierarchical analysis, Entrepreneurship Policy,
Abstract :
Today, entrepreneurship is known as the engine of growth and development of organizations and societies, so organizations are required to develop various policies to create, support and develop entrepreneurship. In this research, the effective factors of formulating entrepreneurial policies in Sepah Bank as the oldest and one of the commercial banks in Iran are identified and prioritized. This research will be done in two qualitative and quantitative stages. In this way, first, by studying the library, various policy models with its factors will be identified. Then, through interviews with banking and academic experts in the field of policy development, the main factors of policy development in Sepah Bank were identified and finalized. In the following, the Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis (FAHP) method prioritizes the components and sub-components in the formulation of entrepreneurial policy, so that the research results indicate that for the components "process" and for the sub-components "Information" are the first priority.
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