Designing a green marketing process model in the pharmaceutical industry
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementBita Hadizadeh Moghadam 1 , Hassan Biabani 2 * , Esmaeil Hasnpour 3
1 - Department of Business Management-Marketing, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
2 - Department of Business Management-Marketing, Hormozgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Management and Economics Faculty, Hormozgan, Iran
3 - Department of Business Management-Marketing, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
Keywords: "Pharmaceutical Companies", Green Marketing", ",
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design and explain the green marketing model of pharmaceutical Industry. This study, in terms of purpose, functional, in terms of approach, exploration, and in terms of data analysis, is mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). In the qualitative phase of the research and in order to design the model based on the data theory theory methodology, a group of experts including university professors, marketing consultants, and senior sales and marketing managers of pharmaceutical companies who were thoroughly involved in the sales and marketing of pharmaceutical companies and green marketing strategies, Were selected and interviewed in depth. During this phase, the snowball sampling method was used and the process continued until the theoretical saturation of the researcher was reached and a total of 11 interviews were conducted. In the quantitative phase, senior, middle and operational managers of pharmaceutical companies based in Tehran were considered as the statistical population and 210 of them were selected by simple random sampling. In the qualitative phase of the research, because of the fundamental data theory approach, the main tool for data collection was in-depth, unstructured interviews with experts. In the quantitative phase of the research, the main data collection tool was a closed questionnaire and a researcher made up of 51 items that were designed based on the conceptual model. In the quantitative phase of the research, SPSS and Listel soft wares were used to perform descriptive and inferential analyzes. Finally results led to the design of a green marketing model
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_||_1- Arasteh, M. (2017). Investigating the Relationship between Environmental Concerns and Environmental Attitudes with Green Purchasing Behavior of Consumers of Organic Agricultural Products. 2nd International Conference on Management and Accounting. Tehran, Salehan Institute of Higher Education.
2- Asif, M., Xuhui, W., Nasiri, A., Ayyub, S. (2017). Determinant Factors Influencing Organic Food Purchase Intention and the Moderating Role of Awareness: A Comparative Analysis, Food Quality and Preference.
3- Azgoli, F. (2018). A Review of Green Marketing Concepts and Strategies. 5th International Conference on Innovation, Development and Business. Tehran, Kian Pajouhan Scientific Institute.
4- Blakey, N. (2005). Social Research Design. (Translator: Hassan Chavoshian). Tehran: Nay Publishing.
5- Buckly M. R., D s.Beu, D.D. Frink. (2001). Ethical Issues in Human Resources Systems, Human Resource Management Review, 11, 11-29.
6- Chegini Asl, R; Saleh Ardestani, A. (2016). Measuring the Impact of Green Marketing Tools on Consumer Purchasing Behavior (Case Study: West of Tehran). Quarterly Journal of Management and Accounting Studies, 1(2), 248-233.
7- Farazmand, S. (2016). The effect of green marketing mix on gaining a competitive advantage over drug distribution customers in Ahvaz. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer.
8- Flick, A. (2009). An Introduction to Qualitative Research, (Translator: Hadi Jalili), Tehran: Nay Publishing.
9- Glaser, B.G., Strauss, A.L. (1967). the discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine.
10- Green, T., Peloza, J. (2011). How does corporate social responsibility create value for consumers? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28/1, 48–56.
11- Mohammadi, R.; and Mirabi, A. (2016). Analysis and Study of the Role of E-Commerce in Green Marketing. The Second International Conference on New Developments in Management, Economics and Accounting, Tehran, Allameh Khoei Institute of Higher Education - Koosh International Company.
12- Papadas, K., Avlonitis, G.J., Carrigan, M., Piha, L. (2018). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage, Journal of Business Research, Available online, 19 July, In Press.
13- Prashant, K., BhimraoM M.G. (2015). Factors affecting consumers’ green product purchase decisions. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 33(3), 330-347.
14- Sabet Motlagh,M. (2017). Identifying and prioritizing barriers to green product development using Demetel method and network analysis process. International Conference on Green Supply Chain, Lahijan, Pishgaman Science Assessment Company.
15- Safiri, Kh. (2008). Qualitative research method. Tehran: Pouya Publishing.
16- Shirafkan Ghaziani, M.; Nasimi, M. (2018). The Impact of Green Marketing on Customer Purchasing Intent with the Mediating Role of Social Responsibility and Company Image (Case Study: Amlon Company). Fifth National Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting. Tehran, Iran Management Association.
17- Shirkhodai, M.; Ghasemi Hamedani, A.; Habibnejad Lojandi, S. (2016). Investigating the Impact of Collectivism Value, Trust, Quality and Perceived Risk on Consumers' Intention to Buy Organic Products (Case Study: Consumers of Organic Products in Hormozgan Province), Hormozgan Cultural Research Journal, Bi-Quarterly, 6/82 (12), 17-1.
18- Strauss, A.; Corbin, J. (2006). Principles of Qualitative Research Methodology (Basic Theory; Procedures and Methods), (Translator: Rahmatollah Rahmatpour), Tehran: Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies.
19- Taqawi, A; Moghtader Kargaran, J. (2015). Marketing of pharmaceutical products, World Conference on Psychology and Educational Sciences, Law and Social Sciences at the beginning of the third millennium, Shiraz, research of Green Industry Idea Market Company.
20- Yatish, J., Zillur, R. (2016). Predictors of young consumer’s green purchase behavior, Management of Environmental Quality. An International Journal, 27(4), 452-472.
21- Zakai, M. (2002). Theory and research in qualitative methods. Social Sciences Quarterly, No. 17, 49-33.