Investigating and analyzing the interactions between factors affecting supply chain agility improvement by interpretive structural modeling in oil and gas industry
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
samira ghasemi
shahrzad tayaran
Ezato lah asghari zade
1 - industrial management,Ecampus, azad university,tehran,iran
2 - industrial management,Ecampus, azad university,tehran,iran
3 - industrial management
Received: 2018-07-09
Accepted : 2019-02-14
Published : 2019-01-21
Supply chain agility,
Structural interpretation modeling,
Supply Chain,
Oil and Gas Industry,
Abstract :
This study aims to identify the most important factors affecting the improvement of supply chain agility and determine the leveling of interactions between the factors affecting to improvement of supply chain agility and mapping network relations in the oil and gas industry from experts’ point of view. Reviewing the research literature, the opinion of 30 experts regarding the supply chain of South Pars oil and gas companies were asked and determined. Using Fuzzy Delphi technique, 7 indicators out of 14 were identified and selected. Then, a structured matrix questionnaire was used for interpreting structural modeling to obtain the model and prioritize the indicators. The data from the questionnaire was drawn through an interpretive structural modeling and analyzed in 5 levels in an interactive grid. Consequently, information sharing and using the innovation were reanked at the highest level (the fifth level) while supplier participation, and strategic resources were ranked at the fourth level. Communication with customers ranked at the third level and reliability and assurance of delivery found the next rank which is the second level. The flexibility of production was ranked the first and the lowst among the others.
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Monczka, R. M, Petersen K. J, Handfield R. B, Ragatz G. L. Success factors in strategic supplier alliances: The buying company perspective. Decision Science 1998; 29(3): 553-577.
Mousavi Nasab, Seyed Mohammad Sadegh. (2011). Where is the hypothesis required? The system of publications of Imam Khomeini Research Institute, 3 (2), 5-14.
Nili Pourtabatabaei, Seyed Akbar; Khyambashi, Bijan; Karbassian, Mahdi; Shariati, Mohammad. (2012). Optimization of Information Technology Application in Supply Chain Management and Marketing of AHP Products, Journal of New Marketing Research, 2 (2), 143-163
Qrunfleh, S. and Tarafdar, M. (2014). Supply chain information systems strategy: Impacts on supply chain performance and firm performance, Int. J. Production Economics, 147, (2014) 340–350.
Richmond, B. J., Laurie, M. & Quarter, J. (2008). Social Accounting for Nonprofits-Two Models. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 13(4), 308-324.
Saifi Shojaee, Hamideh. (2017). Evaluation of Effective Factors on Improving Supply Chain Performance Using Analytical Hierarchy Process in Food Industries, Biannual Journal of Value Cahin Management, 1 (2), 1-16.
Sajjadi, Ali and Amini, Shima. (2006). Structure and Role of the Information System in the Supply Chain. National conference on supply system for goods and equipment in industrial and industrial projects, Tehran, Department of Contractual System Studies, Center for Technology Studies, Sharif University of Technology.
Salehi Firoozabadi, Hamid. (2008). Design of Supply Chain Information Systems in Organizational Architecture, Shiraz University Publications.
Sherehiy, Bohdana, Karwowski, Waldemar. (2014). The relationship between work organization and workforce agility in small manufacturing enterprises, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 44, 466-473