Investigating Weighted Effects of Job Behaviors on Individual Performance in Different Organizational Cultures of the Public Sector
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
habib ebrahimpour
habib ebrahimpour
bagher asgharnejad nouri
1 - department of management and economics, university of mohaghegh ardabili
2 - department of management, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Economy, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Received: 2018-06-11
Accepted : 2018-11-19
Published : 2018-12-25
Task Behavior,
Counter Productivity Behavior,
Withdrawal Behavior,
Citizenship Behavior,
Organizational Culture,
Abstract :
Many public organization managers believed that regarding to job behaviors is vital subject. It seems individual performance is affected by individual or his/her peers behaviors. Performance of employees subject is on that many of administrator and student of administration are looking procedures to it’s improvement. The main goal of this research is to reveal the simultaneous influence of job behaviors on individual performance in Iranian public organizations. The research method is based on a descriptive- Survey research and theoretical and sequential sampling method is the basis of the choice of research environments. 20 organizations selected as research environments and recognized the culture of this organizations, then according to cochran sample volume method, 1329 researcher made questionnaires distributed and 1187completed questionnaire was collected. The percentage of collected questionnaire is %88. The validity of questionnaire is confirmed by the authorities and the reliability of organizational culture questionnaire, job behaviors, and individual performance confirmed by Retest and Cronbach’s alpha. The Relative Importance Method used for finding the relative weight of job behaviors. The results showed that in power and in-role cultures, routine task behavior is the highest importance. In achievement culture, routine task and adaptive task behaviors, and finally in support culture, interpersonal and organizational citizenship behaviors are highest importance. Finally, some suggestions are proposed, with regarding to hypotheses test in four different organizational cultures
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Appelbaum, S. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior: A case study of culture. Leadership and Trust Management Decision, 42(1): 13-40.
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Ghanbari S., Eskandari A. and Farhadi M. (2016). Investigating the impact of employees’ job independence on promoting individual and organizational performance by mediating individual and organizational learning, Quarterly Journal of Training & Development of Human Resources 3(8): 77-95. (in Persian)
Guimarães, J.C.F. (2013). The relationship between strategic resources and product innovation to achieve competitive advantage in the furniture industry companies. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, Catholic University of Rio Grande doSul (PUCRS) and the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), Caxias do Sul, Brazil.
Hart T. A., Gilstrap J. B. and Bolino M. C. (2016). Organizational citizenship behavior and the enhancement of absorptive capacity, Journal of Business Research, 69(5): 3981–3988
Hussein N., Omar S., Noordin F., Ishak N. A., (2016). Learning organization culture, organizational performance and organizational innovativeness in a public institution of higher education in Malaysia: A preliminary study, Procedia Economics and Finance 37: 512 – 519.
Jaskyte, K. and Dressler, W. (2004). Studying culture as an integral aggregate variable: organizational culture and innovation in group of nonprofit organization, Field Methods, 16(3): 265-284.
Jogaratnam G. (2017). How organizational culture influences market orientation and business performance in the restaurant industry, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 31(8): 211-219.
Johnson, J. W. and LEbreton, J. M. (2004). History and use of relative importance indices in organizational research, Organizational Research Methods, 7: 238-257.
Johnson, J.W. (2000). A heuristic method for estimating the relative weight of predictor variables in multiple regressions. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 35: 1-19.
Kao C. Y., Tsaur S. H. and Wu T. C. (2016). Organizational culture on customer delight in the hospitality industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 56: 98–108.
Kaufmann, L., Kreft, S., Ehrgott, M., and Reimann, F. (2012). Rationality in supplier selection decisions: The effect of the buyer’s national task environment. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 18(2): 76–91.
Khaki, G. (2003). Productivity management, Islamic Azad University Publishers, Tehran. (in Persian).
Lu V. N., Plewa C. and Ho J. (2016). Managing governmental business relationships: The impact of organizational culture difference and compatibility, Australasian Marketing Journal, 16(7): 32-56.
Mirsepasi, N. (2008). Human resource management, Mir, Tehran. (In Persian).
Muafi, M. (2009). The effects of alignment competitive strategy, culture and role behavior on organizational performance in service firms. Int. J. Org. Innov. 2(1): 106–134.
Naeimi A., Pezeshki Rad G.J. and Najafloo P. (2015), Analysis of organizational culture effects on organizational citizenship behavior in ministry of agriculture jihad, Iran Agricultural Extension and Education Journal, 11(1): 18-31. (in Persian)
Nam Y. and Kim, H. (2016). Influences of organizational culture characteristics on job attitudes of organizational members in semiconductor industry, Procedia Computer Science 91(15): 1106 – 1115.
Naranjo-Valenciaa J. C., Jiménez-Jiménezb D. and Sanz-Valle, R. (2015). Studying the links between organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies, Revist aLatino americana de Psicología.
Pheysey, C. D. (1995). Organizational culture; type and transformation, N.Y. Rout Ledge.
Podsakoff, N. P., Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Maynes, T. D., and Spoelma, T. M. (2014). Consequences of unit-level organizational citizenship behaviors: A review and recommendations for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(3): 87–119.
Podsakoff, P., Nathan, W., Podsakoff M. and Blume D. (2009). Individual-and organizational-level consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(1): 122–141.
Rezaeian, A. (2009). Organization behavior management, SAMT. (in Persian).
Robinson, S.L., and Bunnet, R.J. (1995). A typology of deviant workplace behaviors: A multidimensional scaling study, Academy of Management Journal, 38(2): 555-72.
Sackett, P.R. (2002). The structure of counterproductive work behaviors: dimensionality and relationships with facets of job performance, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10(1/2): 269-292.
Varela, O.E., Salgado, E.I. and Lasio, M.V. (2010). The meaning of job performance in collectivistic and high power distance cultures: Evidence from three Latin American countries, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 17(4): 407-426.