Critical Systems Heuristics in the Design of Teleworking Model on Metaverse Platform
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Maryam Parandvar Foumani
Reza Radfar
Abbas Toloie Ashlaghi
1 - PhD Candidate in Industrial Management, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Department of Industrial Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Department of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor Departman of , Faculty of Reality Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Metaverse, remote work, critical systems heuristics, critical operations research, multi-criteria decision-making,
Abstract :
With the expansion of technologies and digital transformations, the metaverse has emerged as a novel platform for remote work. However, challenges such as lack of inclusivity, centralized resource control, environmental concerns, and limited access to advanced technologies pose barriers to the widespread adoption of this working model. This research examines metaverse-based remote work models, analyzing the challenges, opportunities, and implementation strategies in this field. In this study, Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) and Fuzzy AHP methods are employed to systematically analyze the issues related to the development and implementation of metaverse work platforms. CSH aids in identifying and assessing the assumptions, values, and power imbalances in system design, while Fuzzy AHP enables multi-criteria decision-making based on the perspectives of various stakeholders. The results of this study indicate that by designing inclusive models, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and adopting sustainable approaches, many of the existing challenges can be addressed, and a successful and efficient metaverse platform for remote work can be established. This research adds to the existing literature on remote work and the metaverse, offering solutions for designing equitable and sustainable work environments.
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