A Study on News Anchors’ Meta-Language and Non-Verbal Factors and their Impact on Audiences
Subject Areas : Iranian Sociological ReviewSeyed Vahid Aqili 1 * , Mahdieh Vakil Nejad 2
1 - Department of Communication Sciences and Media Studies, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Communication Sciences and Media Studies, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Meta-linguistic factors, non-verbal messages, presenters, News,
Abstract :
Non-verbal communication or body messaging occurs when facial expressions, tone of voice, headand neck movements, smiling and ... affects others; which may be intentional or unintentional. Farhangi in nonverbalcommunication: the art of using movement and sound” defines this field as such: "Non-verbalcommunication is phonetic and non-phonetic messages which have been explained by other than language andlinguistics means.” (P. 22) News presenters while informing, use nonverbal communication alongside verbal.Because of Announcers’ final role in news production process, they play an important role in influencing minds,persuasion and public opinion shaping. News as the most important output of media need formidable speakersso that the end result can be satisfying. This paper’s aim is studying the nonverbal and non-phonetic factors ofpresenters in news processes; and its’ influence in shaping and directing the public opinion, understanding theintended agenda of media and its’ role in running tactics and strategies. In this research the survey method wasused. The study population was 300 master students of the Tehran central branch of Islamic Azad University.The sample population was 168 students which were calculated through Cochran's formula. Among the 168distributed questionnaires, 150 responses were received and the results of the research are based on thisquantity. The results of this study show that the audiences of news programs believe that the news presentersface attraction is top priority, and they believe that the face can affect the audiences’ absorption by the program.Other non-verbal variables studied in the study are Phonetic signs. The students believe that the presenters cangrant positive or negative orientation to the News keywords through phonetic signs and specific tones. Henceconvey media’s desired meaning to the audience. According to the survey, respondents believe that newspresenters know about the non-verbal factors affecting the audience; and they use meta-linguistic and nonverbalfactors consciously, deliberately to influencing the audience.