The Epistemology of Identifying Instances of the Practice of Reasonable Persons
Subject Areas :
Principles of jurisprudence
Sajad SHahbaz GHahfarokhi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law, Faculty of Humanities, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
Received: 2022-09-25
Accepted : 2023-02-19
Published : 2023-11-22
Wisdom Praxis,
Instances Analysis,
Canonical Ruling,
General Principles of Law,
Uniform Laws,
Abstract :
The Practice of Reasonable Persons is a universal behavior or mentality that, under identical circumstances and conditions, is adopted by erudite minds, regardless of their doctrinal and intellectual inclinations. This concept, which has gained a special status among scholars of the science of jurisprudence in the past two centuries, has sparked numerous discussions regarding its legitimacy and classifications. Among the foremost jurisprudents, discrepancies can be observed regarding the identification of instances of the Practice of Reasonable Persons. Understanding these instances must be considered as an inimitable simple task. This article aims to introduce and evaluate potential methodologies for identifying instances of the Practice of Reasonable Persons. Various approaches, such as referencing foreign legal systems, uniform and model laws, general principles of law, and the opinions of parliamentary representatives, have been scrutinized in this paper. Absolute rejection or endorsement of any one of these methods is a mistake. Instead, one can utilize the culmination of all these methods as a means to identify instances of Wisdom Praxis.
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