A Comparative Study of Hiring of Persons with Employment Contracts, Reward Contract (Jualah), and Contract-Work under Iranian Legislation and Islamic Jurisprudence
Subject Areas : Private lawAbolfazl Sobhikamal 1 , Gholamali seifi 2 *
1 - Degree on Law, Major of Private Law
Islamic Azad University
Damavand Branch
2 - faculty member in Shahid Beheshti tehran University
Keywords: Reward contract, hiring of persons, contract-work, employment contract,
Abstract :
An employment relation can be classified under such terms as employment contract, reward contract, or contract work based on the related rules and regulations of hiring of persons. Since the inquiries about the disputes related to some of these contracts is within the authority of certain judicial and administrative specialists, and due to the fact that the succession of decrees and effects of each of these relations becomes the reference for the drawee in the recognition of their duties including the reference to another authority or establishing its competence over the probe into the nature of the disputes and decision on the respective measures and criteria of the procedure, it is essential to formulate proper definition of each of the aforementioned relations and also the results and effects of each. This paper is dedicated to a description of the following terms: hiring of persons, employment contract, reward contract, and contract work, and using a deductive- analytical method examines the similarities and differences among them and concludes that employment contract is a developed form of hiring of persons and contract work is some form of reward contract.
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