The Study of the Basis of Rare and Individualized Fatwas of Ibn Idris Hilli
Subject Areas : Private law
maryam ghafoori
mohammad mohseni dehkalani
Ali Akbar Izadifard
Aliakbar jahani
1 - Ph.D. student of theology of Islamic jurisprudence and law. Mazandaran University. Babolsar. Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Keywords: Ibn Idris, concealment of evidence, rare fatwas, individualized hdith, precaution,
Abstract :
Ibn Idris was the only jurist of the sixth century who was able to pave the way for the presentation of new ideas and the evolution of Shiite jurisprudence by criticizing the views of his predecessors, especially Sheikh Tusi, and in the field of ijtihad and jurisprudence he chose principles that gave his jurisprudence a special character. The book Al-Sara'ir Al-Hawi li-Tahrir al-Fatawi contains his fatwas and jurisprudential theories, some of which are notorious and contrary to the famous theories, but some of which are his own. Since the purpose of this study is to investigate the basics of and reasons behind Ibn Idris's differing opinions, examples of these views such as prayer in two suspicious clothes, vague confession, execution of the permissible limit, etc. have been explored. The descriptive-analytical method explains the basics, documents and their cause. Belief in the unreliability of the individualized hadith is one of the most important principles of Ibn Idris, which on the one hand, due to his principles and on the other hand in terms of the temporal dimension of the evidence, has caused the actions of the people before him to be hidden from his vision. This has led to a lack of reliance on a large part of the hadiths of the infallibles, and as a result, the individuality and rarity of his views
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