Challenges of Extravagance in Murder in Iranian Law
Subject Areas : Private lawAbolhasan Shakeri 1 , fatemeh alinejadmir 2 *
1 - Law group, Law and science faculty, University of Mazandran, Babolsar, Iran
2 - Criminallaw,Faculty of Law and Political Sciences,Univercity of Mazandaran,Babolsar,Iran
Keywords: murder, Retribution, Person, Exceeding,
Abstract :
Not exceed limits in taking life is a phrase derived from verse 33 of the Surah al-Asrain the Holy Qur'an; In this verse, after expressing the unlawfulness for the murder of man and the right of victim's avengers of blood to the murderer, excessive killing is prohibited to commit, the appearance of the verse and the phrase before it, is about not exceeding in retribution of a person, but considering the generalization of murder. It can also include cases where a person deserves to be deprived of life like execution, so that if a person is convicted to be deprived of life he should not be subjected to any other physical and psychological suffering, including the implementation of the deprivation of life penalty by using a rope, which would prolong it and necessarily double the suffering. Therefore, we have to use different means, such as anesthetics with conditions and firearms that speed up the deprivation of life penalty. The same is true when a criminal has committed several crimes and deserves several punishments, including deprivation of life, the interference of the punishments in deprivation of life causes exceeding limits in taking life. On the other hand, given that the punishment for retribution is a sin against mankind and is due to men, the delay in its implementation until the request of the avengers of blood is giving the convicted person an opportunity to live, then he must be kept in jail until the implementation, which cannot be exceeding limits in taking life because incurring jail is lower than killing.
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