The Consequences of Mental Disorders of Wife in Reciving Dowery
Subject Areas : Private lawSayyd hasan abediankalkhooran 1 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Mental disorders, wife, Dowry, husband knowledge,
Abstract :
Because mental disorders do not simply mean madness and they have a general meaning which encompasses insanity and because many studies have been performed about the madness of wife, but other mental disorders of wife and her right were not investigated so much, this study undertakes to examine one of the important rights of wife which is entitlement to dowry in relation to the psychiatric disorders of the wife. The results show that the type of mental disorder has no impact on the entitlement or lack of entitlement to the dowry. But what is important in this regard is the husband's knowledge about the development of disorder in the wife, that is, in case of the ignorance of the husband about the mental disorder of the wife and with the realization of the right of misrepresentation for the husband, he is entitled to termination right because of misrepresentation. In this case, the kind of mental disorder of the wife only plays a role in determining the amount of damage that husband can claim from the one who misrepresented.
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