Fair Dispute Resolution in View of Jurisprudence and Law
Subject Areas :
Private law
Sayyd Kamal Hoseni
javad niknejad
1 - PhD Student, Law Department, Ayatollah Amol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
Received: 2020-03-13
Accepted : 2020-09-05
Published : 2022-02-20
Distributive Justice,
Procedural Justice,
Due Process of Law,
Equal treatment,
Abstract :
At the whole we talk about fairness maxims of dispute resolution in this essay. From our view and based on principles of procedure justice any dispute resolution mechanism must have three important principles: equal treatment with parties to dispute, rationality in making decision and efficiency that this one contains access and possibility to reach to a dispute resolution and being tools for counter with procedural inequalities between parties in turn. According to access and possibility to reach to a dispute resolution parties should be able to reach to a dispute resolution mechanism. Proceeding on this method should be done by minimum costs and delay and based on the second criterion those issues making problem for parties for taking part in proceedings, which are not arisen of proceeding rules but have been created by one party inability to take part equally in process should be balanced or eliminated.
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