Contradictory Transactions Subject to Legal Action in the Five Religions and Iranian Law
Subject Areas : Private lawSayyd Zaman Daryabari 1 , Naser Marivani 2 * , Mohammad Adel Ziaee 3
1 - Student
2 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Science, Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic law.
3 - دانشیار گروه فقه شافعی، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران
Keywords: Contract, Right of termination, Condition of action, Condition of legal action, Claim for damages,
Abstract :
Contradictory possession means the non-fulfillment of the condition stated in the contract. According to the terms of the contract, the violation of the condition can be examined in three cases of violation of the condition of the adjective, verb and result. Considering that the parties to the contract have considered a specific purpose and motivation for inserting the condition in the contract, without a doubt their relationship is effective and creates legal conditions for constitutionalism. The jurists disagree on the freedom of contract and on freedom of condition, along with contracts, but in this case they agree that whenever a contract is concluded with full pillars and conditions, it will have binding power. This study, by descriptively examining the views of Imami and Sunni jurists and analyzing its reasons, has considered the legal act (contract or iqa ') that has been done against the condition to be correct, but the constitutional case can take two steps against violating the condition: First, it can be contractual. To terminate the condition in which the condition is stated and, secondly, to request compensation in case of conditional violation against the damage caused to him. Of course, in some cases, such as marriage, etc., this general rule must be deviated, as in some cases, the legislature has deviated
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