Jurisprudence-Legal Principles of Confiscation Insurance
Subject Areas : Private lawali jafarzadeh shahi 1 , قادر شنیور 2 * , Jamshid Yahya pour 3
1 - Faculty of Law, Kharazmi University, Department of Private Law
2 - دانشگاه خوارزمی
3 - استادیار گروه حقوق خصوصی دانشگاه علامه محدث نوری
Keywords: Insurance, Confiscation, Economic Justice, Individuals' right, Group right,
Abstract :
Confiscation is one of the institutes enacted by the legislator to protect the right of winning party and/or the claimant and ensure individuals' right. It is based on protecting individuals' right. However, carrying out these regulations can weaken the social and economic aspects of the society. But today, laws should be comprehensive and consider group rights in addition to individuals' right. In this way, existential principles which are the philosophy of enacting the current regulations are criticized in addition to presenting a new definition for confiscation and investigating social and economic model-setting principles; and by presenting a new theory for confiscation, we move toward socializing law and protecting individuals' rights and jurisprudence and legal principles of insuring confiscated properties are studied based on development of the wise, rule of prohibition of detriment, the inclusion of generalities and applications of evidence.
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